Computer & Communication Industry Association

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  • Patent Reform & Copyright

CCIA Welcomes Supreme Court Clarification On Patent Eligibility of Software

Washington - The Supreme Court issued its ruling today in a key case examining the patent eligibility of software. In a unanimous ruling the court offered some guidance on what an abstract idea is and...

FCC Votes To Approve Long-Awaited Open Internet Rules

Washington - Standing up to heavy lobbying by large Internet access providers, the FCC voted today to protect Internet access for households and small businesses. The FCC was created by Congress as an...

CCIA on the passing of former Intel CEO Paul Otellini

Washington -- Intel announced the death of its former CEO Paul Otellini at the age of 66. Otellini began working at Intel in 1974 and served as CEO from 2005 until 2013 during a period of high growth ...
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  • Privacy & Security

CCIA Files Comments on Big Data and Consumer Privacy in the Internet Economy

Washington - The Department of Commerce, through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), recently sought public comment on how the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights could ...
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  • Taxes & Trade

Independent Review Finds IRS Free File Program is Working, Successfully Serves Tens of Millions of Taxpayers

Washington -- For over 15 years, CCIA has supported a public-private partnership between the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and tax preparation software companies to provide free tax software to lower...

CCIA Welcomes Third Privacy Shield Review

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today, the European Commission issued its report following the third annual review of the Privacy Shield and recommends the continuation of the agreement on the transfer of commer...

Privacy Caucus Discusses Children’s Privacy Online

The House privacy caucus held a panel discussion today on Capitol Hill today on what is needed to better protect children’s privacy online. The Computer & Communications Industry Association ...
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  • EU
  • Internet Freedom

Tensions Rise in Global Battle Over Internet Freedom as UN Discusses Human Rights Online

In the global battle over the future of the Internet countries that stand for an open, dynamic web with minimal regulation and limits on free expression are increasingly under pressure from authoritat...
  • Blog
  • EU
  • Internet Freedom
  • Jobs & Innovation
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

European Commission Presents E-Commerce Action Plan

On 11 January 2012 the Commission presented its Communication on e-commerce. The Communication sets out an action plan to double online sales and the share of the Internet economy in EU GDP by 2015. ...
  • Blog
  • EU
  • Privacy & Security

Online Behavioral Advertising in the EU – The Need for User ‘Consent’

The advertising industry has drafted a self-regulatory framework this year to meet legal requirements regarding the placement of cookies on Internet users’ machines for the purpose of online behav...
  • Blog
  • Internet Freedom
  • US

Co-author of Online Free Speech Petition in China Wins Nobel

On Oct. 8, the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo. Liu is a longtime democracy advocate and one of the authors of Charter 08, a manifesto calling for democr...
  • Content Moderation

Content Moderation

Intermediaries such as telecommunications and online service providers perform essential functions in promoting the internet economy. They have enabled e-commerce to become a vital component of the U....