Computer & Communication Industry Association

Search Results for: google

Latest ACTA Draft An Improvement, But Does Not Fix Disharmony In International Laws On Copyright Limitations And Exceptions: CCIA

The European Parliament has adopted a resolution today that shows the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement may face an uphill battle getting approval in Europe. Written Declaration 12 denounces the s...

CCIA Says Chinese Censorship Violates Trade Agreements

Chinese Internet users are expressing concern about Google’s announcement that it may shut down its website because of government censorship and recent cyber attacks. Such continued attacks and cens...

An Open Letter from Our CEO: Fair Use Doctrine Vital for All of Us

Fair Use Doctrine Vital for All of Us As proponents of free speech we support the right of the authors of the op-ed "Google and the Copyright Wars" (Nov. 13) to question how much access the public ...

FCC Votes To Begin Designing Nondiscriminatory Internet Access Rules

The FCC this morning voted to begin a proceeding designed to determine sometime late next year the basic rules necessary to preserve open access to the robust public Internet in the face of exploding ...

CCIA Statement on Microsoft Yahoo Search Deal

Microsoft and Yahoo have announced a ten year Internet search deal today. The agreement means Microsoft’s Bing search engine will power the searches on Yahoo’s websites. The following statement...

Upcoming Event: Inauguration Day 2009

Reception & Parade Watch Party  1 - 5 pm   Please contact Danielle Yates for more information at 202-783-0070. Thank you to our sponsors: HOST COMMITTEE CCIA and Intuit Sponsors Fu...
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Do Rightsholders Really Own Their Rights?

In copyright online, anyone can claim to own the rights of others and profit by it … and all too often, they do. Copyright owners in the creative sector are very vocal in demanding payment for thei...
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Crowdsourcing for Internet Governance Should not be Dominated by Governments

The International Telecom Union (ITU), founded in the 19th century, last updated its regulations or ITRs in 1988 and clearly has a lot of catching up to do.  It has traditionally focused on standard...
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Tensions Rise in Global Battle Over Internet Freedom as UN Discusses Human Rights Online

In the global battle over the future of the Internet countries that stand for an open, dynamic web with minimal regulation and limits on free expression are increasingly under pressure from authoritat...
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International Conference in The Hague: Towards Flexible Copyright?

On February 10, the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice organized an international conference on copyright in The Hague. The conference provided Dutch decision makers with a good opportunity to sha...
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Twitter’s Difficult Choice: The Unenviable Position of U.S. Internet Companies

Yesterday, Twitter announced that it had created a targeted solution to removing locally “illegal” material on a country-by-country basis.  Perhaps understandably, the company has been accuse...
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President Outlines Innovation Agenda in SOTU

In last night’s State of the Union address, President Obama urged Congress to put America’s future first by making the investments in innovation, education, and infrastructure that will allow Ame...