Computer & Communication Industry Association


FTC Releases Results Of Patent Troll Study At CCIA, AAI Event

Washington -- FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez released the results of a 2 year investigation into patent troll operations at an event co-hosted by the American Antitrust Institute and the Computer & ...

Internet Addressing System To Transition To ICANN As Planned After Last-Ditch Effort To Derail Fails In Court

Washington -- The Department of Commerce is scheduled to transition administration of the technical underpinnings of the Internet’s addressing system to the private sector-led multi-stakeholder comm...
  • EU
  • Taxes & Trade

WTO Public Forum: Enabling Human Rights and Inclusiveness through Digital Trade

New technologies create novel opportunities for social inclusion and economic growth around the globe yet online freedoms appear to be deteriorating. When does suppression of online rights become a t...

DG Competition Reveals First Results of E-Commerce Sector Inquiry; Online Marketplace Bans Remain a Problem

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today DG Competition published its preliminary report on the E-commerce Sector Inquiry. The sector inquiry was launched in May 2015 as part of the Commission’s Digital Single Ma...

European Commission releases Copyright and Telecom rules: end of Europe’s digital single market ambitions?

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission issued its proposals on Telecoms and Copyright today as part of the Digital Single Market Framework. Both proposals will impact Internet users, online serv...

CCIA Offers Written Statement For House Judiciary Patent Oversight Hearing

Washington - The House Judiciary Committee is examining a recent GAO report on patent quality and other issues on the problem of patent trolls at a hearing Tuesday. The Computer & Communications I...

CCIA, Tech Companies Ask Congress Not To Interfere With Internet Address Transition

Washington -- After years of planning, the Department of Commerce is scheduled to transition control of the Internet addressing system to a private sector-led multi-stakeholder body on October 1. Toda...

Senate Denies Request To Consider Bill To Block Government Hacking Expansion

Washington -- Senator Ron Wyden today asked for Senate approval by unanimous consent of his Stopping Mass Hacking Act (S. 2952), which would temporarily block a dangerous expansion of the government�...

Court of Justice of the EU Rules on the Legality of Hyperlinking

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) delivered its judgment in the GS Media case (Case C-160/15). The case centered on the question whether hyperlinking to content that has...

CVCC Files Further Set Top Box Comments

Washington -- On behalf of the Consumer Video Choice Coalition, CCIA  filed an ex parte letter with the FCC this afternoon. It refutes the most recent claims made by some of the biggest content compa...

CCIA Welcomes Net Neutrality Guidelines From EU Telecom Regulators

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer and Communications Industry Association welcomes the net neutrality guidelines put forward by BEREC. CCIA is a strong supporter of net neutrality and maintaining the ...

Tech Industry Warns Against French-German Plans To Weaken Encryption

Brussels, BELGIUM -- French Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, and German Interior Minister, Thomas de Maizière today called for a range of European security-related initiatives in Paris.  The mi...