Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Implores the FCC to Abandon Efforts to Repeal Open Internet Rules

Washington, D.C. -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association has submitted comments urging the Federal Communications Commission not to abandon its net neutrality rules. The FCC made a l...

CCIA Joins Internet Users For Net Neutrality Day, Saying Nondiscrimination Benefits Businesses, Economy

Washington -- Internet users and businesses that rely on internet access are staging a day of protest against the FCC’s plans to abdicate its role in protecting consumers and businesses from discrim...
  • Competition

EC Issues Record Fine In Google Shopping Case; CCIA Concerned About Chilling Effect On Innovation

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission announced a record fine today. Its antitrust investigation began seven years ago after some online price comparison sites complained Google favored its own...

Join CCIA Europe for a briefing following the EC’s Google Antitrust Announcement

The European Commission announced a record fine after a 7 year investigation comparing Google and some online shopping competitors. For more than four decades, the Computer & Communications Indu...

CCIA Asks FCC For Streamlined, Updated State, Local Requirements For Mobile Internet 5G Buildout

Washington -- As the demand for mobile data skyrockets, the FCC is considering how to remove barriers for high speed internet access from cell phone towers to smaller cells to improve mobile coverage....

CCIA, Industry Associations Voice Support For Legislation On Law Enforcement Access To Data

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined other associations today in a letter to House Judiciary Committee leadership voicing support for the International Communica...

CCIA Offers USTR Ways To Reduce Digital Trade Barriers In NAFTA Renegotiation

Washington -- Digital trade is expected to be a focus as the U.S. modernizes the more than 20 year old NAFTA. The U.S. is now the largest global exporter of trade in services, and the internet is the ...
  • Blog

Congressional State of Play: Cross-border Law Enforcement Demands for User Data

Let’s say a U.S. law enforcement agency obtains a warrant against a criminal suspect. As a part of the investigation, the agency requests that an online service provider hand over the suspect’s em...

Study Shows Fair Use Industries Make Up One Sixth Of The Economy

Washington -- As policymakers consider IP policy and trade agreement updates like the NAFTA renegotiation, balanced copyright language remains as important as ever. The Computer & Communications I...

European Parliament’s Internal Market Committee Votes On Copyright Directive

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Last September, the European Commission published its proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (the “copyright proposal”). This proposal has been den...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright
  • White Papers & Reports

“Fair Use in the Economy” Study Release Friday

Washington -- Congressman Jared Polis, D-Colo., and Congressman Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, will offer opening remarks at the release of a new economic study on the value of industries like technology ...

CCIA, Tech Company Members Meet Incoming Estonia EU Presidency

Tallinn, Estonia -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association is on 7-8 June leading a delegation of its tech companies to meet with senior Estonian officials ahead of the upcoming Estoni...