Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Encourages a Path Forward on Mid-Band Spectrum for 5G

Washington, D.C. -- Recent activity on Capitol Hill and at the FCC shows progress on a much-needed path forward for mid-band spectrum, which will be crucial for providing better coverage and faster sp...

Tech Associations Send Letter To Senators About Problems With Proposed Changes CDA-230

Washington - CCIA joined nine other associations in a letter to senators about the unintended consequences of legislation to update Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. While associations su...

CCIA Announces Staff Changes, New Hires, Promotions In Washington, Brussels Offices

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association is announcing new hires and promotions in DC and Europe, including a new leader of its Brussels office. CCIA is an international no...

Tech Industry Warns About Unintended Consequences Of Proposed Changes To Reduce Human Trafficking

Washington -- Proposed changes to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act could have broad, unintended consequences for internet services, online platforms and websites. The Computer & Commu...

CCIA Supports International Communications Privacy Act

Washington -- Shortly after the introduction of the ECPA Modernization Act in the Senate, Senators Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Chris Coons, D-Del., introduced the International Communications Privacy Act...

CCIA Applauds Senate For Introducing Updated Privacy Standards For Electronic Communications and Geolocation Information

Washington -- Senators Lee and Leahy have introduced legislation that would offer email and geolocation information comprehensive privacy protections consistent with users’ present-day expectations....

Advocate General at the EU Court of Justice Issues Opinion In Coty Germany Case on Online Marketplace Bans

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Advocate General Nils Wahl delivered his opinion in the Coty Germany case (Case C-230/16). The case deals with contractual provisions a producer of luxury cosmetics imposed on his...

CCIA Asks ITC To Reject Qualcomm’s Request To Block iPhones

Washington -- The International Trade Commission should reject Qualcomm’s request to block Apple devices from reaching the market, according to comments filed today by the Computer & Communicati...
  • Cybersecurity

CCIA Warns Against State Department’s Reported Plans to Shut Down Cyber Office Amid Growing Hacking Threats

Washington -- Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced plans to shut down the State Department’s cyber office, which coordinates with other countries on issues ranging from international hacking t...

EU top court to decide if France’s “right to be forgotten” approach should apply globally

Today a French court deferred to the EU’s highest court the question of whether a French “right to be forgotten” ruling should apply to online search results globally.Essentially the EU's top co...

CCIA Joint Statement Asks European Commission For Data Localization Ban

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today CCIA and other industry associations renewed their calls for focused EU legislation banning forced data localization in the EU.  Read the joint statement here.

CCIA Implores the FCC to Abandon Efforts to Repeal Open Internet Rules

Washington, D.C. -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association has submitted comments urging the Federal Communications Commission not to abandon its net neutrality rules. The FCC made a l...