Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Welcomes the Civil Liberties Committee’s Opinion on the Copyright Directive

Brussels, BELGIUM -- In September 2016, the European Commission published its proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (the “Copyright Proposal”). This proposal implement...

EU Ministers Recognise Importance of Encryption to Ensure Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The General Affairs Council today adopted Conclusions calling for the strengthening of European cybersecurity across the EU.  Importantly, the Conclusions confirm “that strong ...
  • Telecom

CCIA Comments On FCC’s Mid-Band Spectrum Inquiry

Washington -- As the FCC expands its efforts to facilitate the most efficient and effective means of deploying broadband technologies, the Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comm...

Tech Asks USTR For Updated, Balanced Copyright In NAFTA

Washington -- CCIA joined six other tech trade associations in a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer asking that they borrow copyright language from the TPP to include in NAFTA. T...
  • Blog
  • Privacy & Security
  • Cybersecurity

Strengthening EU Cybersecurity Through Robust Vulnerability Disclosure Policies

Two of the the European Commission’s stated objectives in the European Cybersecurity Strategy announced earlier this year are to: 1) increase awareness of citizens and businesses on cybersecurity is...

CCIA Files Comments To FEC On Online Ad Inquiry

Washington -- In comments filed with the Federal Election Commission today, the Computer & Communications Industry Association said both the association and its members are committed to ensuring t...

CCIA Partners with Council of Europe To Promote Human Rights Online

Strasbourg, France -- The Council of Europe signed an agreement today with the tech industry, including the Computer & Communications Industry Association, to promote a safe and open internet that...
  • Internet Governance

Redl To Lead NTIA After Senate Confirmation

Washington -- David Redl takes the helm of the the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration after receiving Senate confirmation Tuesday evening. The Computer ...

CCIA Encouraged By Progress on SESTA, Though Concerns Remain

Washington -- As Congress works to reduce sex trafficking online, bill sponsors recently announced progress that has been made in tailoring the legislation to better ensure the intended target, while ...
  • Competition
  • Telecom

CCIA Asks FCC To Enforce Its Own Law And Block Sinclair Media Takeover

Washington -- As the FCC appears poised to override historic rules preventing one company from dominating news coverage on the public airwaves, the Computer & Communications Industry Association f...
  • Competition
  • Telecom

CCIA Agrees FTC Does Not Have Authority To Protect The Open Internet

Washington - Members of Congress heard from past and current FTC and FCC officials today, including FTC Commissioner Terrell McSweeny, about how the FTC’s jurisdiction would fall short of being able...

CCIA Joins Amicus Brief In SCOTUS Patent Case That Could Remove Tool To Combat Patent Trolls

Washington - The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined a Supreme Court amicus brief filed Monday evening in a patent case that is being closely watched by the thousands of companie...