Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA, 4 Associations Send Letter Warning Of Encryption, Safety Risks Of New Bill

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association sent a letter signed by 4 other associations warning Congress of the collateral dangers of altering the law that gives internet com...
  • Copyright

CCIA Submits Comments, Testified Before USTR On Fair Use In South Africa

Washington -- Today the Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted a post-hearing brief to the U.S. Trade Representative for its review of South Africa’s copyright law. Last mon...

CCIA Applauds Launch of OECD AI Observatory

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD) launched the OECD Policy Observatory on AI. The Observatory is an online portal that will serve as a public edu...
  • Copyright

CCIA To Testify At USTR’s Special 301 Hearing

Washington -- Computer & Communications Industry Association policy counsel Rachael Stelly will testify at a USTR hearing today on what should be included in its annual Special 301 report identify...

CCIA Welcomes EU Digital Strategies

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission today released several documents setting out the EU’s policy approach on everything digital. The European Commission President also published an op-ed on...
  • Copyright

CCIA Submits Comments to WIPO on Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property

Washington -- Today the Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted comments to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on its draft issues paper on artificial intelligenc...
  • Copyright

CCIA Identifies IP-Related Digital Trade Barriers In USTR Filing

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted comments to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative today requesting that they identify IP-related digital trade barr...
  • Telecom

CCIA, INCOMPAS Offer Comments On FCC’s Proposed C-Band Spectrum Auction

Washington -- In response to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s recent announcement of a proposed public auction of valuable C-band spectrum, the Computer & Communications Industry Association co-authored ...

CCIA Welcomes Countries’ Commitment to Achieve Global Tax Reform in 2020, Warns against Unilateral Taxes

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today the OECD Secretariat published the Statement by the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. In the documen...

CCIA Welcomes Signing of USMCA

Washington - The President has signed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) into law this morning. This follows historic bipartisan votes in both the House and Senate in December and earlier this m...

CCIA Welcomes New Member Eventbrite

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Eventbrite, a global ticketing and event technology platform, has joined the Computer & Communications Industry Association. The popular service enables users to create, promo...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright
  • Taxes & Trade
  • Copyright

DHS Issues Report On Counterfeit Products

Washington -- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has issued its report to the White House regarding proposed action on addressing counterfeits and pirated goods in online marketplaces. This foll...