Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Copyright

Copyright Office Releases Study On Safe Harbors, Recommends Further Reviews

Washington -- The Copyright Office released its study today on how copyright provisions within the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act are being used. The study does not recommend wholesale changes ...

CCIA Welcomes House Members’ Focus On Advancing Emerging Technologies

Washington -- Several members of the House of Representatives have begun introducing bills aimed at ensuring the US remains competitive in emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence and the In...
  • Telecom

CCIA Supports Facilitating 5G

Washington -- Upon FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr’s announcement today of the 5G Upgrade Order, the following can be attributed to Computer & Communications Industry Association President Matt Sc...

Senate Advances USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act with New Surveillance Reforms

Washington -- The Senate has voted to reauthorize expired authorities allowing federal government surveillance of Americans with additional reforms to legislation that the House previously passed. ...
  • Copyright

France’s new hate speech law risks excessive takedowns, harms freedom of expression

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The French National Assembly today adopted its “Avia Law” aimed at combating hate speech online. The Computer & Communications Industry Association is concerned that it co...

CCIA’s Supplemental Submission to the UK CMA on Digital Advertising

CCIA’s Supplemental Submission to the UK CMA on Digital Advertising (12 May 2020)

CCIA – Submission to the CMA on Deliveroo

CCIA - Submission to the CMA on Deliveroo (11 May 2020)

CCIA Welcomes Launch of U.S-UK Trade Talks

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes the start of negotiations for a U.S.-UK Trade Agreement.  CCIA filed comments last year with the United States Trade R...
  • Competition

CCIA Offers Recommendations To Turkish Competition Authorities

Brussels, BELGIUM -- CCIA submitted comments on a market study into competition and the digital economy by Rekabet Kurumu (“Rekabet”), the Turkish Competition Authority. CCIA commended Rekabet for...
  • Copyright

USTR Releases Notorious Markets Report

Washington --  The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative released its annual Notorious Markets Report identifying online and physical marketplaces that reportedly engage in and facilitate piracy an...

CCIA Recommendations on Negotiating Priorities for U.S-Kenya Trade

Washington -- Following USTR’s announcement in February that the United States would seek to negotiate a trade deal with Kenya, the Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments ...

CCIA Offers Praise For House Commerce Bill Promoting Secure 5G Networks

Washington -- House Energy and Commerce Committee members introduced a bill Friday designed to speed deployment of open standards-based, interoperable 5G networks through trusted sources. House Energy...