Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Statement on Negotiations on Global Tax Reform

The following can be attributed to Computer & Communications Industry Association Vice President and Head of CCIA’s European office in Brussels Christian Borggreen: “We continue to support ...

DOJ Proposes Modifying Law Supporting Free Speech Online In Effort To Pressure Internet Companies On Content Moderation Policies

Washington -- Today the Justice Department announced a proposal to alter the law that allows internet users to instantly communicate online. The law, known as Section 230, was envisioned to protect fr...

Arthur Sidney Joins CCIA As Vice President of Public Policy

Washington -- Arthur Sidney takes over as Vice President of Public Policy at the Computer & Communications Industry Association Monday, assuming a role previously held by President Matt Schruers. ...

CCIA Comments Support the EU’s Approach on Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes the European Commission’s approach to Artificial Intelligence in comments filed today responding to the Commissio...
  • Telecom

CCIA Applauds FCC Vote to Promote 5G Deployment

Washington -- The FCC has voted to approve the 5G Upgrade Order announced last month by Commissioner Brendan Carr. The order will facilitate updating regulations to help broadband providers deploy 5G ...
  • Internet Governance

CCIA Supports Efforts to Uphold Multistakeholder Approach to Internet Governance

Washington — CCIA President Matt Schruers sent a letter to the National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) in response to an open consultation regarding the International Tel...

CCIA Welcomes Outcome of Telecommunications Council

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomed today’s meeting of European telecommunications ministers. Link to summary of their discussion. Ministers agreed t...

Industry Groups Offer Recommendation to G20 Digital Economy Ministers

Washington — The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined a number of global industry associations in a statement offering recommendations to the G20 Digital Economy Ministers. The ...

CCIA Supports USTR Scrutiny on National Tax Measures

Washington —  The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has announced investigations into the actions of a number of countries that have adopted or proposed digital services taxes. The Computer &...

White House Issues Executive Order Aimed At Online Speech, Social Media Companies

Washington - President Trump escalated his threat to free speech online today. From the Oval Office, Trump denounced social media, expressing his desire to shut Twitter down.  The President then expl...

White House Expected To Issue Executive Order Targeting Online Speech

Washington - According to various news reports, President Trump is expected to issue an executive order seeking to roll back the liability protections that have allowed users to post content online. ...

CCIA Supports House Amendment to Protect Americans’ Browsing Data from Warrantless Collection

Washington — The House is expected to vote this week on a bipartisan amendment to H.R. 6172, the “USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020.” The amendment, brought by Representatives Lofgren (D-C...