Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Applauds Senate Commerce Attention To Data Transfer Solutions

Washington -- The Senate Commerce Committee holds its hearing “The Invalidation of the EU-US Privacy Shield and the Future of Transatlantic Data Flows,” Wednesday to examine the economic impact of...
  • Copyright

CCIA Expresses Concern With Copyright Proposal In Spending Bill

Washington -- Reports indicate there may be a package combining several pieces of proposed intellectual property legislation with a spending bill that must be signed by December 11th. The intellectual...
  • Internet Governance

CCIA Welcomes European Democracy Action Plan Objectives

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today the European Commission published its European Democracy Action Plan covering topics including transparency in political content, disinformation, and media freedom and plura...

CCIA Files Supreme Court Amicus On Arthrex Patent Issues

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed an amicus brief in an upcoming Supreme Court case involving the status of Patent Trial and Appeal Board judges. The Court gra...
  • Cybersecurity

The European Commission Proposes New EU Data Sharing Rules, Expands Restrictions for International Transfers of Certain Data

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission published a new proposal today, the Data Governance Act, to facilitate data sharing among public and private organisations. The legislative proposal also s...

Oxford Economics presents study on digital services in the EU, offers recommendations for upcoming Digital Services Act

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Oxford Economics has released a study examining digital services in Europe. The study investigates how digital services weave into Europe’s economy and society and explores onli...

Facebook, Twitter CEOs To Testify On Content Moderation

Washington -- The Senate Judiciary Committee will question CEOs of Twitter and Facebook Tuesday in what may be a postmortem on how digital services handled the election. Before the election, both CEOs...

CCIA Weighs In On European Commission Request For Input On Trade Strategy

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments with the European Commission as it crafts a trade strategy for the digital age. The EC consultancy is an opp...

CCIA Statement on Selection of Ron Klain as Chief of Staff

Washington -- President-Elect Joe Biden has named Ron Klain as his White House chief of staff. Klain, who previously served as Biden’s chief of staff while vice president, is a longtime aide and adv...

DSA: Unlocking the Benefits of Digital Services in Europe

Join us to discuss the role of digital services in Europe as Oxford Economics unveils a new CCIA-commissioned study on “Digital Services in Europe” on 20 November. The study investigates how di...

CCIA Presents Recommendations In Meetings with Incoming Portuguese EU Presidency

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association is leading a series of meetings Tuesday with Portuguese politicians and senior officials ahead of Portugal taking over the P...

CCIA Statement On Biden Presidency

Washington -- After a contentious election, President-elect Joe Biden will take over as the U.S. responds to the coronavirus and economic fallout.  The Biden-Harris Administration will be confront...