Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Telecom

CCIA Applauds FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on 12GHz Band of Spectrum

Washington-- FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has circulated an NPRM to the Commission to consider the best use of the 12GHz band of spectrum.  CCIA has supported such an NPRM to leverage this band of spectrum ...
  • Copyright

Unvetted Copyright Measures In Spending Bill Concern CCIA

Washington -- Congress has wrapped several controversial copyright measures into a must-pass end of the year spending bill.  The intellectual property part of the legislation includes the CASE Act...
  • Copyright

CCIA Response To Proposed Digital Copyright Act

Washington -- Senator Thom Tillis, R-NC, has introduced a discussion draft of a controversial copyright bill that reads like a Christmas wish list for Hollywood and big content companies, and takes cu...
  • Competition

CCIA Comment on Second State Lawsuit Against Google

Washington -- A group of state attorneys general have filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google today, following a separate group’s suit yesterday. Today’s complaint covers a range of issues and a...
  • Competition

State Attorney General Announces Lawsuit Against Google

Washington -- Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google aimed at Google’s advertising technology. The Computer & Communications Industry Association was ...
  • Cybersecurity

New EU Cybersecurity Rules Should Promote Security Mitigation, Avoid Compliance Red Tape

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission published today a legislative proposal to update the 2016 Network and Information Security Directive.  The proposal aims to reduce regulatory inconsist...
  • Competition

CCIA Responses To EU Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act Proposals

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission presented its Digital Markets Act (DMA) and its Digital Services Act (DSA) proposals earlier today. The Digital Markets Act seeks to target the core ser...
  • Competition

CCIA Reaction to EU Digital Proposals

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission today presented its legislative proposals --  the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA). The DMA imposes new prohibitions and ob...

CCIA Offers OECD Comments Supporting Global Tax Reform

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association offered comments today on the OECD Secretariats’ Blueprints regarding the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework Public Consultation...
  • Cybersecurity

CCIA Offers European Commission Comments On Data Transfer Method

CCIA submitted comments to the European Commission on the draft new Standard Contractual Clauses (‘SCC’) to transfer data outside of the EU. CCIA believes this transfer tool will pave the way towa...
  • Copyright

Senate Judiciary Considers Controversial Copyright And Section 230 Legislation

Washington -- Controversial legislation combining flawed copyright and Section 230 bills was considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee today before being withdrawn. The Computer & Communicat...
  • Competition

CCIA Response To States’ and FTC Action Regarding Facebook

The following can be attributed to Computer & Communications Industry Association President Matt Schruers: “CCIA strongly supports antitrust enforcement when consumers are harmed. However, th...