Computer & Communication Industry Association


EU Council e-Privacy Agreement Paves Way for Final Negotiations, CCIA Urges Further Improvements

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The EU Member States (“EU Council”) today approved a joint position on the e-Privacy Regulation, originally proposed in 2017. This decision paves the way for final negotiation...

Tech Sector Bodies Call for New Effort in Global Talks on Digital Taxation

Technology sector organisations techUK, the City of London Corporation, Allied for Start-ups, the Developers Alliance and the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) have today issued ...
  • Competition

CCIA’s Response As Chairman Klobuchar Introduces Antitrust Bill

Washington -- The incoming chair of the Senate antitrust subcommittee, Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., is introducing an antitrust bill Thursday according to various news reports, which proposes fundamental c...

CCIA Offers USTR Comments Ahead of Annual Special 301 Report On Trade Barriers

Washington -- In comments filed with the U.S. Trade Representative today, the Computer & Communications Industry Association asked USTR to identify countries using intellectual property rules in w...

CCIA Joins Statement Supporting Efforts to Update Digital Trade Rules At WTO

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined dozens of other organizations in a joint statement supporting work to update trade rules for the 21st Century at the World T...
  • Competition

CCIA Cautions Against Australian Proposal To Impose Mandatory Bargaining Code on Select U.S. Tech Firms

Washington - Australia’s Parliament is considering legislation to introduce a controversial Code of Conduct that would require certain U.S. internet companies to subsidize local news content produce...

Tech Associations Offer Digital Trade Priorities for Biden-Harris Administration

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined 4 other associations in a statement to the incoming Biden Administration on digital trade. This is critical at a time when s...

CCIA Calls For Strong U.S. Response as Result of Section 301 Investigations into Digital Tax

Washington -- The U.S. Trade Representative has released its reports in the Section 301 investigations into the digital services taxes (DSTs) of the United Kingdom, Spain, and Austria. USTR concluded ...
  • Competition

CCIA Statement On Google FitBit Merger Going Forward

Washington -- The Department of Justice has joined multiple jurisdictions in allowing the Google FitBit deal to now move forward. US DOJ has been reviewing the merger since it was announced in Novembe...
  • Competition

German Legislature Preempts EU Reforms with National Competition Law Amendments Targeting the Digital Economy

Berlin, GERMANY -- Members of the German parliament voted to approve far-reaching regulations for large digital platforms today. Once signed into law, the proposal would make Germany the first jurisdi...
  • Internet Governance

CCIA Statement On Social Media Ban On Accounts Involved In Inciting Violence

The following can be attributed to Computer & Communication Industry Association President Matt Schruers in response to numerous digital services suspending accounts involved in the incitement of ...

CCIA: Anticipated U.S. Response To French Digital Taxes On U.S. Companies is Crucial

Washington -- In response to French digital taxes aimed at U.S. companies, the U.S. Trade Representative is expected to respond tomorrow with tariffs on $1.3 billion on French products. USTR conclu...