Computer & Communication Industry Association


USTR Releases Annual Report Identifying Digital Trade Barriers

Washington -- The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative released its annual National Trade Estimates (NTE) report that plays a valuable role in identifying and addressing barriers for internet servi...

CCIA shares its AI recommendations with the European Commission

Brussels,  BELGIUM -- CCIA sent its Artificial Intelligence (AI) recommendations to the European Commission. The EU executive is expected to present its legislative proposal on trustworthy AI in the ...

CCIA Offers Written Statement For House Energy And Commerce Hearing On Misinformation Online

Washington -- The CEOs of Facebook, Google and Twitter are testifying tomorrow at a hearing about misinformation and extremist content online.  The Computer & Communications Industry Associati...
  • Competition

CCIA Statement Ahead Of House Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing On News Media, Tech Industry

Washington - House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee Chairman David Cicilline plans a hearing Friday on legislation he has introduced that would give news media companies an exemption to an antitrust l...
  • Competition

CCIA Recommendations for Achieving an Effective and Proportionate Digital Markets Act

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association published its position paper Thursday on the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA). The DMA proposal of 15 December 2020 is currently...
  • Competition

CCIA Comments Ahead of Senate Judiciary Antitrust Hearing

Washington -- The Senate Judiciary Antitrust subcommittee holds a hearing Thursday on antitrust for the 21st Century. Committee Chairwoman Amy Klobuchar introduced an antitrust bill last month that wo...

New CCIA Paper: National Initiatives Risk Undermining the EU Digital Single Market

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) shared its recommendations on the EU Digital Services Act (DSA) proposal. The DSA proposal was presented by the Eu...

CCIA Welcomes New Momentum towards Global Tax Reform at G20 Finance Ministers Meeting

Brussels, BELGIUM -- A meeting of G20 Finance Ministers today showed strong signs of broad support for reaching an agreement this year on global tax reforms through the OECD  negotiations. This w...

Economist, State Director Join CCIA

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomed two new staffers this week. Trevor Wagener is the Director of Research and Economics and Alyssa Doom is the State Policy D...
  • Competition

CCIA Comments Ahead of House Antitrust Subcommittee Hearing This Week

Washington -- House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee Chairman David Cicilline resumes his attack on the tech industry this week with a hearing Thursday. The Committee held numerous hearings during the...

CCIA Applauds EU-UK Data Flow Decision

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission today announced two new adequacy decisions for the transfer of EU personal data to the United Kingdom.  With these decisions, the European Commission c...

CCIA, Industry Groups File Complaint Against Maryland Digital Tax

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association and a coalition of trade associations joined in filing a federal complaint against Maryland’s recent Act imposing a “Digital Ad...