Computer & Communication Industry Association


Global Coalition of Industry Groups Offer Digital Recommendations to G7 Leaders

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined 16 other tech and business groups today to offer joint recommendations  for G7 leaders. The recommendations precede the  G...

CCIA Offers Recommendations on EU-US Regulatory Agenda

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association released recommendations for a new start to EU-US cooperation on trade and digital regulations. The Transatlantic relationship rema...

CCIA Welcomes G20 Tax Reform Progress, Warns Against EU Digital Levy

Brussels, BELGIUM -- G20 Finance Ministers today met and reconfirmed their commitment to “reaching a global and consensus-based solution ... by mid-2021” on global tax reform. Today, CCIA filed...
  • Copyright

Supreme Court Decides Landmark Google v. Oracle Case On Copyright, Interoperable Tech Products

Washington -- The Supreme Court has issued its ruling in the Google v. Oracle copyright case, which has been litigated for more than a decade. The outcome, which has sweeping implications for the tech...

CCIA Statement On Voting Rights Legislation

Washington -- After record voter turnout Georgia has enacted and other states are considering bills that create multiple new impediments to vote. The Computer & Communications Industry Association...

USTR Releases Annual Report Identifying Digital Trade Barriers

Washington -- The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative released its annual National Trade Estimates (NTE) report that plays a valuable role in identifying and addressing barriers for internet servi...

CCIA shares its AI recommendations with the European Commission

Brussels,  BELGIUM -- CCIA sent its Artificial Intelligence (AI) recommendations to the European Commission. The EU executive is expected to present its legislative proposal on trustworthy AI in the ...

CCIA Offers Written Statement For House Energy And Commerce Hearing On Misinformation Online

Washington -- The CEOs of Facebook, Google and Twitter are testifying tomorrow at a hearing about misinformation and extremist content online.  The Computer & Communications Industry Associati...
  • Competition

CCIA Statement Ahead Of House Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing On News Media, Tech Industry

Washington - House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee Chairman David Cicilline plans a hearing Friday on legislation he has introduced that would give news media companies an exemption to an antitrust l...
  • Competition

CCIA Recommendations for Achieving an Effective and Proportionate Digital Markets Act

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association published its position paper Thursday on the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA). The DMA proposal of 15 December 2020 is currently...
  • Competition

CCIA Comments Ahead of Senate Judiciary Antitrust Hearing

Washington -- The Senate Judiciary Antitrust subcommittee holds a hearing Thursday on antitrust for the 21st Century. Committee Chairwoman Amy Klobuchar introduced an antitrust bill last month that wo...

New CCIA Paper: National Initiatives Risk Undermining the EU Digital Single Market

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) shared its recommendations on the EU Digital Services Act (DSA) proposal. The DSA proposal was presented by the Eu...