Computer & Communication Industry Association


Florida Governor Signs Bill Requiring Companies To Carry User Speech Or Face Lawsuits 

Washington -- Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed a bill that would allow any internet user from foreign extremists to disgruntled internet trolls to sue online websites for removing allegedly inappropriate ...

European Parliament Resolution Creates Unhelpful Doubts About EU-UK Data Flows 

Brussels, BELGIUM -- A small majority of European Parliamentarians today approved a nonbinding political resolution that objects to the EU granting the United Kingdom “adequacy” status to transfer...

CCIA, 10 Organizations Offer Ways G20 Can Support Digital Transformation For Economic Recovery

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined 10 other groups in offering recommendations for the G20 as they look at how the digital economy can drive the global ...

CCIA Cautions Connecticut On Potential Legal Issues Related To Proposed Tax Bills

Washington – Lawmakers in Connecticut are considering a series of bills that would impose a discriminatory new tax on digital advertising services.  This session, legislators in both houses have...

CCIA Notes Benefits Of Endless Frontier Act Ahead of Markup Wednesday

Washington -- The Senate Commerce Committee will markup legislation Wednesday that would invest in more research and development in ten critical areas including artificial intelligence, robotics, and ...

European Parliament Resolution Raises Doubt about EU-UK Data Flows

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) today reportedly opined that the United Kingdom does not provide adequate privacy protection...

CCIA Supports NIST’s Privacy Risk Management Framework

Washington -- As the National Institute of Standards and Technology works to further develop its Privacy Risk Management Framework, CCIA offered a statement supporting this framework for risk-based me...
  • Telecom

CCIA, INCOMPAS Offer FCC Comments On 12 GHz for 5G

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association and INCOMPAS filed comments today urging the FCC to update the rules governing the 12 GHz band of spectrum to allow for expanded ca...
  • Telecom

CCIA Applauds House Subcommittee For Attention To Digital Divide, Affordable Broadband Access

Washington - The House Energy & Commerce technology subcommittee will hear testimony Thursday on broadband access and affordability. The past year has shown that access to high-speed affordable br...

U.S. Digital Tax Investigations Require Strong Response

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association filed comments and will testify at a hearing Monday before the Office of the United States Trade Representative calling for a stron...

Florida Legislature Passes Bill That Would Encourage Lawsuits Over Removal Of Dangerous Content

Washington -- Both chambers of the Florida legislature have approved versions of a bill that would create extensive new regulations on how companies enforce rules for moderating user-generated content...

CCIA Welcomes the EU’s Risk-Based AI Proposal, Urges Further Clarifications

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission today presented its Artificial Intelligence (AI) framework which includes an AI-specific Regulation. The regulation prohibits certain practices and introdu...