Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Telecom

CCIA Applauds Bipartisan Infrastructure Package

Washington -- The White House announced that the bipartisan group of Senators working on an infrastructure package had reached an agreement Wednesday. The bipartisan infrastructure package includes $6...
  • Internet Governance

CCIA Submits Comments To USITC As It Investigates Trade Barriers From Foreign Censorship

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) offered details in a filing to the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) on trade barriers U.S. Internet and technology ...
  • Competition

FTC Expected To Expand Rules For Merger Review At Meeting Wednesday

Washington -- The Federal Trade Commission is scheduled to meet Wednesday and is expected to vote to rescind the “Policy Statement on Prior Approval and Prior Notice Provisions in Merger Cases.” ...

EU Court Opinion Sets Limits to Use of Upload Filters in New EU Copyright Rules

Brussels, BELGIUM  — The EU top court’s Advocate General, Henrik Saugmandsgaard Øe, today provided his opinion on the Polish government’s request to annul the controversial Article 17 in the n...

Transatlantic industry groups urge swift agreement on EU-US commercial data flows

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Ahead of the first anniversary of the invalidation of the Privacy Shield on Friday, more than 20 EU and U.S. associations today sent a letter urging EU Commissioner Reynders and U...

The AIA At Ten: The Positive Impact of Inter Partes Review

The America Invents Act celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. This panel will examine perspectives from a variety of industries, ranging from life sciences to startups, on how the inter partes r...

EU To Delay Digital Levy, Prioritise Global Tax Reform

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The EU has agreed to delay its digital tax that was scheduled for presentation this month, until the fall, according to news reports. The announcement comes as G20 Finance Ministe...

G20 Finance Ministers Endorse International Tax Reform Agreement

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Finance ministers from G20 nations have endorsed a global tax reform agreement in a communiqué that concludes their two day meeting in Italy. Final details, including a detailed ...
  • Competition

New EU Distribution Rules Allow Discrimination Against Online Commerce

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission has published its draft revisions to distribution rules known as the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation and the Vertical Guidelines (“VBER”). The VBER...

Industry Groups Urge Protection of Fundamental Principles and Rights in the Digital Services Act

Brussels, BELGIUM — The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) today joined other industry organizations in a joint statement asking EU Member States to respect the fundamental pr...

CCIA Statement on the Enactment of the Colorado Privacy Act

Washington – Governor Jared Polis has signed the Colorado Privacy Act into law, making Colorado the third U.S. state to enact comprehensive consumer privacy legislation. New rules are set to take ef...

Former President Tests Federal Law, First Amendment With New Lawsuits

Washington -- As Washington marks the six month anniversary of the attack on the Capitol, former President Trump announced he has filed lawsuits against companies who blocked him for violating policie...