Computer & Communication Industry Association


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SOPA Markup This Thursday: What You Can Do Now To Save the Internet

What’s at stake and why should I care? Rebecca MacKinnon’s recent editorial in the New York Times says it well: “Compliance with the Stop Online Piracy Act would require huge overhead sp...
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Clinton Says Countries Must Prioritize Internet Openness, Freedom

Secretary Hillary Clinton told audiences connected in online broadcasts throughout the world Thursday that Internet freedom is a human rights issue and keeping the Internet open is a top diplomatic pr...

Issa, Lofgren Offer Alternative to Internet Regulation Bill – SOPA

A bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers is offering draft legislation as an alternative to a controversial bill to censor and regulate the Internet known as the Stopping Online Piracy Act in the Ho...
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Online Taxes On House Agenda

Online taxes has become a focus on Capitol Hill with various competing bills and last week the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on “Constitutional Limitations on States’ Authority to Colle...
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European Court Delivers Crucial Anti-Filtering Judgment

After the encouraging opinion of Advocate General Cruz Villalón in the Scarlet vs SABAM case delivered in April 2011, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) gave its final judgment on ...

FTC Settles Facebook Privacy Issue

The Federal Trade Commission has announced a settlement with Facebook after an investigation of its privacy practices. As part of the agreement, Facebook has agreed to various privacy measures and ann...

CCIA Calls On FCC To Release Preliminary Findings on AT&T

Just before the holiday the FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski circulated an order to fellow commissioners that would refer the AT&T merger to an administrative law judge for review. The decision was...

CCIA Calls On FCC To Release Preliminary Findings on AT&T

Just before the holiday the FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski circulated an order to fellow commissioners that would refer the AT&T merger to an administrative law judge for review. The decision was...

FCC Seeks Administrative Law Review Of AT&T’s Takeover Deal

The FCC has taken a first step toward rejecting AT&T’s proposed takeover of its wireless competitor T-Mobile. The FCC chairman has sent a proposed order to his colleagues to refer the merger to ...

FCC Seeks Administrative Law Review Of AT&T’s Takeover Deal

The FCC has taken a first step toward rejecting AT&T’s proposed takeover of its wireless competitor T-Mobile. The FCC chairman has sent a proposed order to his colleagues to refer the merger to ...
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Growing Opposition Renders SOPA DOA

Days after an unbalanced Congressional hearing on a bill to crackdown on online copyright infringement, a government cybersecurity expert has written to Congress warning H.R. 3261 would “negatively ...
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Thai for Two?

What do the MPAA, the RIAA, the U.S. Congress, and the perennially human-rights-challenged Thai government have in common?  A similar taste in misguided regulations with draconian flair. In Thail...