Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Reps. Chaffetz, Polis Receive CCIA's High Tech Defender Award

Washington – CCIA presented its high tech defender award to two western Congressmen starting their second term – Jared Polis, D-Colo., and Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah during its 39th Washington Caucu...

CCIA’s 2012 Washington Caucus Agenda

The following is the agenda for CCIA's 2012 Washington Caucus. Please note that all times may be subject to change. Registration will open through the end of the day. To register, please access the ...

CCIA's 2012 Washington Caucus Agenda

The following is the agenda for CCIA's 2012 Washington Caucus. Please note that all times may be subject to change. Registration will open through the end of the day. To register, please access the ...
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RapidShare Releases Responsible Piracy Practices

  Washington - Months after Internet users rose against copyright enforcement legislation that would have changed the Internet, more companies are voluntarily offering more assistance to reduce ...
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Microsoft CEO Speaks About Upcoming Innovation

McLean, Va. -- Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer told 700 northern Virginia high tech workers at a Thursday breakfast “it’s a fun, interesting time to be in the IT business.” He said the goal is no lo...
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Another Setback for ACTA in Europe

By Jakob Kucharczyk in Brussels and Matt Schruers in Washington In another blow to the troubled Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), the European Parliament’s rapporteur on the trade agree...

Registration for CCIA’s Washington Caucus Opens

Registration for CCIA's Washington Caucus has officially opened. The Washington Caucus is CCIA's annual conference bringing together the senior-level industry executives with select Members of Cong...

Registration for CCIA's Washington Caucus Opens

Registration for CCIA's Washington Caucus has officially opened. The Washington Caucus is CCIA's annual conference bringing together the senior-level industry executives with select Members of Congre...
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IP Czar Releases Annual Copyright Enforcement Report

Victoria Espinel, the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (IPEC), recently released her annual report on intellectual property enforcement.  This post touches on just one part of the repo...
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Progress After SOPA Possible

CCIA applauds the recent agreement we have helped broker between leading content creators, RIAA and MPAA and leading companies in the Internet, technology, and communications sectors in an effort to r...
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CCIA Applauds Trade Liberalization Efforts; Calls for Renewed Focus on E-Commerce

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) applauds the recent renewed focus on removal of barriers to trade in services at the WTO and the commitments made at the December 2011 Min...
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FTC Releases Final Privacy Report

Yesterday the FTC released the long-awaited Final Report on privacy entitled “Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change.” This report follows on to the FTC Staff Report released in Dec...