Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Competition

Chairwoman Ramirez Speaks at CCIA's Panel on PAEs and Anticompetitive Behavior

Yesterday, CCIA and The American Antitrust Institute (AAI) hosted an event titled “Competition Law & Patent Assertion Entities: What Antitrust Enforcers can do.”  The keynote speaker was FT...
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CCIA and CCA Brief Hill Staffers on Upcoming FCC Spectrum Auctions

On May 30, 2013, CCIA and Competitive Carriers Association hosted a panel briefing on wireless competition and the upcoming FCC wireless spectrum auction.  In a Senate committee room on Capitol Hill,...

CCIA Testifies On Digital Trade At TTIP Hearing

The Computer & Communications Industry Association outlined growing threats and policies that curb digital trade in testimony at a USTR hosted hearing Wednesday afternoon on the US/EU’s free t...
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  • EU

IDEA, CCIA AND ICANN Co-Host Lunch For TISA Ambassadors, Private Sector Leaders In Geneva

Geneva - On May 15th, more than 40 leaders from the technology sector, international organisations and representatives of 15 of the countries participating in the Trade In Services (TISA) negotiations...

CCIA Thanks Senators For Patent Reform Legislation

For too long problems with our patent system have been slowing innovation and costing companies millions of dollars a year in legal costs from companies whose main product is lawsuits. This week the C...

Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Immigration Reform

A measure to improve access to highly skilled workers cleared a major hurdle as the Senate Judiciary Committee passed its immigration reform legislation Tuesday evening. Shortly before the overall vot...

EVENT: CCIA/IDEA Workshop Webcast from WSIS Forum

CCIA and IDEA invite you to join us on Thursday, May 16 at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum in Geneva, where we will be hosting a workshop on the economic dimensions of Inter...
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Testimony On Future Of Video At Senate Hearing

Senate Commerce subcommittee chairman Mark Pryor opened his hearing on the Future of Video Tuesday saying Congress wants to update laws so that people can get the content they want and that it’s a...
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  • EU

Commission Paper on ‘Connected TV’ and its Relevance for Online Businesses

The European Commission has just launched a Green Paper entitled 'Preparing for a Fully Converged Audiovisual World: Growth, Creation and Values’. The objective of this Paper is to start a broad, p...

CCIA Applauds Schumer’s Patent Troll Proposal

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-NY, has announced a proposal that would require the U.S. Patent and Trademark office to review lawsuits brought by patent trolls before they head to court. Schumer said today t...

CCIA’s Response To ETNO Economic Study

The European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association published a study late Wednesday offering policy recommendations to grow the European telecommunications sector titled “A Future Poli...
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Simplified Sales Tax Systems are Needed More than Oversimplified Argument

The Senate voted to pass S. 743, the Marketplace Fairness Act yesterday.  CCIA has long opposed this bill, which would impose burdensome tax collecting requirements on online retailers regardless o...