Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA, Associations Ask Senate Judiciary Leaders To Expedite Judicial Redress Act

Washington - In a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Leahy, the leaders of a coalition of industry associations, including the Computer & Communications Indu...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

European Commission Considers a Link and Snippet Tax: Ill-Founded, Controversial And Detrimental To All Players

Brussels - Today the European Commission released a non-legislative Communication “Towards a modern, more European copyright framework” -- the Communication on copyright. The Communication sets ou...
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  • Telecom

Judges Heard Arguments On FCCs Open Internet Rules

Washington - For the third time in five years, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit heard oral arguments on the FCC’s attempt to maintain an open Internet Friday.  The panel was led by Ju...
  • Telecom

House Subcommittee Moves Forward on Spectrum and Broadband Bills

Washington, D.C. — The House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Communications & Technology passed, on voice votes and without amendments, two bipartisan bills aimed at speeding up broadband ...
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  • Telecom

The FCC Under the Congressional Microscope

Washington -- The House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology conducted an oversight hearing of the FCC last week.  So far this year, the subcommittee has held several h...

Wide Stakeholder Coalition Sends Letters Pointing Out Bias, Problems With Online Platform Consultation Regarding Copyright

Brussels - In letters to First Vice-President Frans Timmermans and Members of the European Parliament, a wide coalition of stakeholders representing civil society, news publishers, consumers and the d...

Investment, Innovation in European Ecommerce Companies Booming, Study Reveals

Brussels -- Investors are betting on the continued growth of Europe’s ecommerce market with investment into both public and private ecommerce companies growing from millions to billions in the past ...

European Commission Issues Guidance On Transatlantic Data Flows, Wants Quick Agreement On New “Bulletproof” Safe Harbour

Brussels - The European Commission today issued guidance to companies after the European Court of Justice invalidated the 15 years old EU-U.S. Safe Harbour framework which EU and U.S. big and small co...

CCIA Welcomes New House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady

Washington -- As Paul Ryan becomes House speaker, Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, was chosen to take over as House Ways & Means Committee Chairman. The Computer & Communications Industry Associatio...
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  • Taxes & Trade

House Judiciary Subcommittee Examines Data Flow Policies, Other Digital Trade Barriers

Washington -- House Judiciary IP & Internet subcommittee chairman Darrell Issa opened Tuesday’s hearing titled “International Data Flows: Promoting Digital Trade in the 21st Century” by sayi...

UK Proposes Bill To Increase Government Surveillance

Brussels -- The United Kingdom today presented the draft Investigatory Powers Bill which raises serious concerns about privacy rights and government surveillance. The bill will require Internet and so...
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  • Telecom

House Subcommittee Digs Into “Dig Once” Bill and Other Legislation to Speed Broadband Deployment

Washington - The House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held a hearing on October 28th titled “Breaking Down Barriers to Broadband Infrastructure Deployment.”  ...