Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedJune 4, 2024

CCIA Statement ahead of Senate Hearing Wednesday on Competition and Economic Resiliency

Washington – The Senate Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust has scheduled a Wednesday hearing on “Strengthening U.S. Economic Leadership: The Role of Competition in Enhancing Economic Resiliency.” The hearing is an opportunity to better understand how competition and healthy supply chains help with economic resilience and how the existing antitrust framework helps achieve these objectives in the U.S. and other major economies.

U.S. economic performance and productivity since the pandemic have beaten G7 peer country competitors, and the U.S. share of global GDP has been growing continuously since 2011, proving that the U.S. economy is highly resilient even in the face of a crisis that significantly disrupts global supply chains and showing the benefits of the existing U.S. approach.

The Computer & Communications Industry Association has advocated for sound competition and consumer protection principles in the tech industry for more than 50 years. 

The following can be attributed to CCIA President Matt Schruers:

“It is important to understand what works when it comes to the economy and what factors can foster or impede competition in the digital markets that are supporting that growth. The digital economy is powering U.S. economic growth and understanding why and how this is happening should inform policymakers and voters ahead of the election.”