Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedMay 22, 2023

CCIA Submits Comments, Testifies Against Harmful Maine Privacy Bills

Washington – CCIA submitted comments and will testify before the Maine State Legislature Monday morning in opposition to three consumer data privacy bills, highlighting concerns around interoperability with other state privacy laws, overly broad definitions, damage to user experience online, and the risk of damage to small businesses and startups through frivolous litigation. 

In order to best serve consumers and businesses of all sizes in Maine, CCIA recommends that lawmakers align language in LD 1705, LD 1973, and LD 1902 with that of comprehensive data privacy laws in states like Virginia, Connecticut, and Utah.

CCIA supports a comprehensive federal privacy law and understands that state lawmakers are acting to protect residents in their states and provide businesses with regulatory clarity in its absence.

The following can be attributed to CCIA State Policy Director Khara Boender:

“As Maine lawmakers consider a comprehensive consumer data privacy framework, CCIA encourages policymakers to look toward other states with enacted laws like Virginia, Connecticut, and Utah. These state laws provide consumers with meaningful protections and rights over their data, while providing businesses with a clear roadmap for compliance. We look forward to working with Maine lawmakers as they forge ahead in joining the growing number of states with established consumer privacy laws.”