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Adoption of New Brazilian Internet Law Postponed

During her impassioned speech at the UN General Assembly, President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff announced that a quick adoption of the “Marco Civil da Internet” will be one of the cornerstones of her...
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Net Neutrality Issue Predates the Commercial Internet

As the net neutrality debate drags on into another season, perhaps some historical “big picture” context is in order. AT&T was broken up in the early 1980s under the terms of an antitrust c...


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A Summary of NETmundial Submissions in Numbers

Geneva -- In advance of the anticipated NETmundial conference on the future of Internet Governance, which will be organised by the Brazilian Government, stakeholders were encouraged to submit “Inter...

Civil Rights Groups, CCIA Appeal To Congress To Block Government Hacking Expansion

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association has joined public interest groups to try block an expansion of government hacking. Unless Congress intervenes, a law enforcement re...

CCIA Welcomes the Civil Liberties Committee’s Opinion on the Copyright Directive

Brussels, BELGIUM -- In September 2016, the European Commission published its proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (the “Copyright Proposal”). This proposal implement...
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Law Enforcement, Civil Society Representatives Clash Over ‘Crypto Wars’ 2.0

Washington - This week was a busy one for in the tech policy space, especially when it came to discussions of privacy and security.  Yesterday there were two events with identical topics: the modern ...
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Law Enforcement, Civil Society Representatives Clash Over 'Crypto Wars' 2.0

Washington - This week was a busy one for in the tech policy space, especially when it came to discussions of privacy and security.  Yesterday there were two events with identical topics: the modern ...

CCIA Responds to EU consultation on Civil liability and AI

Today, the Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted its comments to the European Commission’s public consultation “Civil liability – adapting liability rules to the digital a...


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  • Copyright

EU Copyright Directive: A Missed Opportunity for Europe

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today, EU Ministers endorsed the Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market, as adopted by the European Parliament on 26 March 2019. The Computer & Communications...
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Cybersecurity Concerns Lead to House Support for Senate Leiberman-Collins-Carper Cybersecurity Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Homeland Security (“HSC”) held a Wednesday morning hearing on “Cybersecurity: DHS’s Role, Federal Efforts and National Policy.” Archived v...