Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedOctober 5, 2023

CCIA UK Responds To Ofcom’s Announcement On Cloud Competition Enforcement

London – The UK Office of Communications (Ofcom) announced today that it is recommending that the Competition and Markets Authority open a deeper examination into competition in cloud services, a step towards potential regulatory intervention in the UK cloud sector.

The Computer & Communications Industry Association is a not for profit international tech trade association, which has multiple members competing vigorously in the cloud sector.

The following can be attributed to CCIA Senior Director and head of CCIA’s London office Matthew Sinclair:

“The cloud sector is working for its British customers, giving UK companies large and small access to the best digital tools and infrastructure. There is a place for regulatory scrutiny where restrictive software licensing is locking in customers who deserve more choice.”

“There is no case for a broad inquiry that could undermine the flexibility that allows cloud providers to constantly innovate with new services and new commercial offers. The CMA needs to show restraint.”