Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedApril 3, 2023

CCIA Files Comments On Consultation To Reform The Canadian Competition Act

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association offered comments in response to a consultation by Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED) to reform the Canadian Competition Act. CCIA suggested that ISED carefully evaluate if the existing antitrust enforcement and policy framework already provides the necessary tools to combat potentially anticompetitive conduct before proposing any changes. Any reforms may only be necessary to address demonstrated harms to competition and consumers. CCIA also cautioned against relying on recent competition and regulatory proposals from other jurisdictions that may have been motivated more by politics than economics. CCIA wrote, “While it may be useful to study jurisdictions that have adopted novel digital regulatory measures, ISED should not assume that measures from the most active and vocal jurisdictions would be the best choice for Canadian consumers and the economy.” CCIA also advised Canada to identify goals and problems and ensure solutions protect consumers and cautioned against developing rules only aimed at the digital economy and not all industries.