Computer & Communication Industry Association

The Economic and Societal Value of Rich Interaction Applications

This report finds for every 10% increase in worldwide usage of Rich Interaction Applications (RIAs)— photo/video sharing, location sharing, payment and chat among individuals, groups and enterprises— global GDP increased by an average of US$ 5.6 trillion. This activity exceeded the economic benefits of telecommunications services in these same countries. The report further predicts that the innovation around new and existing RIAs will continue at breakneck pace, leading to uses we can’t yet imagine, as mobile broadband connections spread worldwide, combined with the decreasing cost of devices.

  • Trade

Consequences of EC Proposals To Extend Regulatory Scope to the Entire Digital Economy

  • Content Moderation

Repealing Section 230 Would Cost Americans Over $1.3 Trillion

Section 230 of the Communications Act (Section 230) importantly places legal accountability on communicators of speech, rather than those who merely publish it. It also allows digital services to saf...
  • Competition

State-by-State Breakdown of Economic Cost of Legislation Modeled after the New York Twenty First Century Antitrust Act

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  • Competition

Assessment of Economic Costs of Imposing Abuse of Dominance Standards at the State Level