Computer & Communication Industry Association

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U.S. Challenges EU Tariffs On Tech Products

The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomed the United States Trade Representative's announcement Tuesday that it had requested WTO dispute settlement action on duties imposed by t...

CCIA Asks FCC To Work With Lightsquared, GPS To Bring Wholesale Wireless Network

CCIA filed Reply Comments  with the FCC in support of LightSquared’s proposal to begin deployment of its nationwide wholesale 4G LTE network.  LightSquared’s wholesale wireless network, once d...

CCIA Pleased At News EC Expects Intel Ruling By September

The European Commission said it will rule by August or September in its antitrust investigation into Intel, the world's largest semiconductor maker, according to news reports this week. The timelin...

South Korea Says “A-ni-yo” To Intel Practices

The South Korean antitrust ruling against Intel is seen as a portent of other pending lawsuits against the world's largest chipmaker. Intel is facing antitrust challenges in jurisdictions around the w...

CCIA Opposes Online Sales Tax Collection Bill

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) believes that the approach taken by the Main Street Fairness Act is unwise in general and untimely given the current economic situation. �...
  • Competition

Tech Association Welcomes FTC Decision To Investigate Intel On Antitrust Matters

The Computer & Communications Industry Association commends the Federal Trade Commission for opening up a formal antitrust investigation into Intel's alleged anticompetitive practices. This new...

CCIA Applauds FCC Steps to Improve Broadband Data Collection

CCIA commends the FCC for releasing the final report on its March decision on Broadband Data collection that makes significant changes that will allow the agency to collect more accurate data on bro...

AT&T Fails To Dispute Basic Math, History In Its Takeover Bid

Late last month, consumer groups, individuals, antitrust experts, state regulators and businesses told the FCC that AT&T’s proposal to takeover T-Mobile would hurt competition and wireless servi...

CCIA, Over 80 Organizations Warn of Irreparable Damage to be Caused by Copyright Directive

Brussels -- Over 80 organisations, including the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA), warn EU Countries in a short statement that current negotiations on the proposal for a Directi...

CVCC Files Further Set Top Box Comments

Washington -- On behalf of the Consumer Video Choice Coalition, CCIA  filed an ex parte letter with the FCC this afternoon. It refutes the most recent claims made by some of the biggest content compa...
  • EU
  • Privacy & Security

CCIA Welcomes Article 29 Working Party Statement on Adoption of EU-U.S. Privacy Shield

Brussels, Belgium -- Representatives of the EU’s national data protection authorities have recently issued a statement on the adoption of a new agreement to permit transatlantic data transfers betwe...
  • Copyright

Tech and Rights Groups urge European Commission to consult stakeholders on illegal content

Brussels - Today, ten organisations representing digital rights groups, startups, Internet and technology businesses are asking the European Commission to uphold its commitment to consult stakeholders...