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CCIA Statement As Solicitor General Asks SCOTUS To Review Texas, Florida Social Media Laws

Washington - The U.S. Solicitor General has responded to a Supreme Court request to weigh in on the Texas and Florida social media laws, stating that these statutes require Supreme Court review. The C...
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Supreme Court To Consider Hearing Florida, Texas Social Media Laws Friday

Washington – Supreme Court Justices will consider Friday whether to grant a hearing on the Florida and Texas social media laws that may violate constitutional free speech protections. The Court will...
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CCIA Again Asks Supreme Court To Review Texas, Florida Social Media Laws

Washington - The Computer & Communications Industry Association, along with its co-plaintiff NetChoice, filed supplemental briefs today asking the Supreme Court to review the Texas and Florida soc...

Senators Introduce Bill To Curb Venue Abuse In Patent Cases

Washington -- Senators Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., Cory Gardner, R-Colo., and Mike Lee, R-Utah, have introduced a bill aimed at patent trolls filing abusive patent cases in the Eastern District of Texas, con...


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  • Copyright

EU Copyright Directive: A Missed Opportunity for Europe

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today, EU Ministers endorsed the Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market, as adopted by the European Parliament on 26 March 2019. The Computer & Communications...

European Parliament Resolution Raises Doubt about EU-UK Data Flows

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE) today reportedly opined that the United Kingdom does not provide adequate privacy protection...

Transatlantic industry groups urge swift agreement on EU-US commercial data flows

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Ahead of the first anniversary of the invalidation of the Privacy Shield on Friday, more than 20 EU and U.S. associations today sent a letter urging EU Commissioner Reynders and U...
  • Competition

CCIA Cautions Risk of Unintended Consequences from European Parliament Amendments to the Digital Markets Act

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Today the European Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection voted on its amendments to the Digital Markets Act (DMA) proposal. The Computer & Co...
  • Blog
  • Patent Reform & Copyright
  • US

One is Fun, But Twice is Nice

Last week, Microsoft got taken to the cleaners in an East Texas patent infringement case to the tune of over $100 million. With the patent system in shambles, these days even six figure damages don�...

House Judiciary Passes Patent Reform Language

Washington -- The House Judiciary Committee approved language for its patent reform bill Thursday that would go a long way towards reining in the still-growing patent troll industry. It would require ...
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  • Patent Reform & Copyright
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Patent Trolling for Dummies

A step-by-step guide to the business of ‘being infringed’: Apply for or acquire vaguely worded, broad patents in areas where the business community is already investing money. When applying, l...