Computer & Communication Industry Association

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Senate Begins Surveillance Reform Process by Passing USA FREEDOM Act

Washington -- After years of controversy over mass surveillance by the U.S. government, and lengthy negotiations on the reform of those practices, the Senate has passed the USA FREEDOM Act with a 67 t...

House Judiciary Passes Patent Reform Language

Washington -- The House Judiciary Committee approved language for its patent reform bill Thursday that would go a long way towards reining in the still-growing patent troll industry. It would require ...
  • Blog

Congressional State of Play: Cross-border Law Enforcement Demands for User Data

Let’s say a U.S. law enforcement agency obtains a warrant against a criminal suspect. As a part of the investigation, the agency requests that an online service provider hand over the suspect’s em...

FBI Requests Access To Citizens Encrypted Communications At Senate Hearings

Washington — At two separate Senate hearings today, the FBI and Department of Justice, primarily through the testimony of FBI Director James Comey, renewed their calls for a solution that would enab...

CCIA Endorses Technology Industry Expert Andy Slavitt As Next Medicare and Medicaid Administrator

Washington – Computer & Communication Industry Association CEO and President Ed Black today respectfully urged the U.S. Senate to promptly approve the nomination of Andy Slavitt as the next Admi...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright
  • White Papers & Reports

CCIA Releases Webinar, Whitepaper: “Copyright Reform For A Digital Economy”

Washington -- Following 20 hearings on copyright reform, the House Judiciary Committee could see substantive copyright reform legislation introduced before the end of the year.  In advance of the ren...
  • US

CCIA Applauds Confirmation of New Leadership to White House OSTP

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association applauds the unanimous Senate confirmation of Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier as director of the White House Office of Science and Technolog...
  • EU
  • Internet Freedom

Tech Industry Praises House Judiciary Committee Approval Of Judicial Redress Act

Washington -- The House Judiciary Committee swiftly considered and approved legislation that would give Europeans and citizens of other allies similar rights Americans have to appeal errors related to...
  • Telecom

CCIA Supports Bipartisan Effort to Analyze Economic Impact of Broadband

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association supports efforts in the House and Senate to encourage broadband deployment and measure its economic impact.  Today, Senator Am...
  • Telecom

House, Senate Hold Simultaneous Broadband, Spectrum Hearings

Washington - Both sides of Capitol Hill, the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee and House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held simultaneous hear...

Tech Industry Applauds House Passage of Judicial Redress Act

Washington — The House of Representatives today considered and approved the Judicial Redress Act of 2015 (H.R. 1428).  The Act extends to the citizens of designated foreign allies certain redress r...
  • Telecom

House Subcommittee Moves Forward on Spectrum and Broadband Bills

Washington, D.C. — The House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Communications & Technology passed, on voice votes and without amendments, two bipartisan bills aimed at speeding up broadband ...