Computer & Communication Industry Association

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CCIA Issues Written Statement For Senate Finance Trade Hearing

Washington – As the Senate Finance Committee considers bipartisan legislation to authorize the Obama administration’s Trade Promotion Authority, it held a hearing Thursday “Advancing Congress’...

President Announces Changes To NSA Surveillance Program

Washington – President Obama announced changes to the way the government collects and stores bulk metadata on citizens and foreigners’ electronic communications during a speech at the Department o...

Independent Federal Privacy Board Concludes Bulk Data Collection Illegal

Washington – An independent federal privacy watchdog group is issuing its 238-page report today, which finds the government’s program to collect bulk metadata is illegal and should end, according ...

Encouraging Announcement on Competition in Broadband Access

Washington - The announcement by Google today that it will significantly expand its gigabit fiber networks is timely and hopefully will be a practical example of the benefits of competition in this ar...

CCIA Files Brief Urging the Supreme Court to Hold for Aereo

Washington – CCIA and the Mozilla Corporation filed a brief today in a copyright case before the U.S. Supreme Court, as the outcome of this case has implications for the overall Internet economy. Th...
  • Competition

CCIA Files Brief Ahead Of Upcoming Apple App Store Supreme Court Case

Washington -- As the Apple v. Pepper case heads to the Supreme Court, tech companies as well as businesses that rely on services uniting buyers and sellers are watching the outcome to see how it will ...

CCIA Welcomes Secure Data Act of 2018

Washington -- Representatives Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., Jerrold Nadler, D-NY, Ted Lieu, D-Calif., Thomas Massie, R-Ky., Ted Poe, R-Tex., and Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., are introducing an updated version of bipa...
  • Privacy & Security
  • Competition

CCIA Welcomes Senate Confirmation of Chairman, Four Commissioners to lead Federal Trade Commission

Washington — The U.S. Senate has confirmed unanimously the new chairman, Republican Joseph Simons, to lead the Federal Trade Commission.  The Senate has also confirmed four new Commissioners, Repub...

CCIA Welcomes Launch of U.S-UK Trade Talks

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes the start of negotiations for a U.S.-UK Trade Agreement.  CCIA filed comments last year with the United States Trade R...

House Committee Examines Growing Problem of ‘Copyright Trolls’

Washington - Lawmakers heard how the misuse of copyright laws is putting a damper on innovation at a hearing Thursday afternoon.  The House Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property...

Senate Offers Better Surveillance Reforms In Its USA Freedom Act

Washington – Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy has introduced surveillance reform legislation that would improve upon the bill the House passed earlier this summer. The Senate’s USA Freedom ...

CCIA Files Comments on ASCAP, BMI Consent Decrees

Washington – As the Department of Justice Antitrust Division reviews the consent decrees governing music licensing, the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) filed comments Wedne...