Computer & Communication Industry Association

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CCIA Welcomes Agreement on USMCA

Washington -- U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced an agreement was reached with the U.S. Trade Representative to move forward with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and bring the trad...
  • Competition

CCIA Files Response To Israel Antitrust Authority’s Request For Comments On Digital Economy

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association offered comments to Israeli antitrust officials today. The Israeli Antitrust Authority had requested comments about competition iss...

See “EU Digital Single Market: Breaking Down Barriers” @ SXSW

Austin -- CCIA President & CEO Ed Black will join AEI and Ambassador for the EU delegation the US David O'Sullivan for a panel discussion at South by Southwest Saturday at 12:30pm. The panel, "EU ...
  • Competition

EC Issues Record Fine In Google Shopping Case; CCIA Concerned About Chilling Effect On Innovation

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The European Commission announced a record fine today. Its antitrust investigation began seven years ago after some online price comparison sites complained Google favored its own...
  • EU
  • Privacy & Security

EU, US Officials To Meet For Annual Data Privacy Review

Washington -- The third annual review of the agreement used to transfer data between the US and EU begins this week. European Commission, Data Protection Authorities, and their US counterparts, will r...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright
  • Copyright

CCIA Files Comments To Justice Department On Music Consent Decrees

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association told the Department of Justice the governing system that the music marketplace relies on to obtain public performance rights is sti...
  • Blog
  • US

CCIA Supports Result of NTIA Multi-Stakeholder Process

CCIA appreciates the opportunity to have participated in the multistakeholder process convened by the Administration, and supports closing debate on this Code of Conduct today for mobile transparency....

CCIA shares Artificial Intelligence recommendations with European Commission leaders

Brussels, BELGIUM -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association has sent a letter to the European Commission with its recommendations for the EU's forthcoming AI framework. CCIA urged that...

Tech Industry Offers Recommendations Ahead of G7 Summit

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined 14 other industry associations in releasing recommendations ahead of the G7 Leaders Summit taking place this weekend in Biar...

Upcoming Event: WITA To Host ACTA Panel Discussion

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement may have been negotiated behind closed doors, but the Washington International Trade Association is hosting an open discussion on the final draft of the controv...

CCIA Says Charter-Univision Dispute Illustrates Problems Of Media Consolidation

Washington -- Charter Communications cable customers have lost access to Univision’s networks after months of unsuccessful negotiations, according to various news reports. Univision has charged Char...

CCIA Delegation Visits Croatia, Publishes Recommendations To New EU leadership

Brussels, BELGIUM -- As a new European Union leadership takes office, the Computer & Communications Industry Association offers recommendations on how technology can help solve Europe’s societal...