Computer & Communication Industry Association

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  • Competition

CCIA Responds To Think Tank Report Aimed At Tech Industry

Washington -- A report from a new think tank, the New Center Project, rightly bemoans the partisan politics in Washington, but offers several so-called solutions that could bring more harm than good t...
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European Parliament Rejects ACTA in Plenary Session

Last week the European Parliament (EP) rejected ACTA in its plenary session in Strasbourg. What might seemed very unlikely only a few months ago, in the final vote a total of 478 MEPs were against t...
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Things on which “we can all agree”: Ari Emanuel, and a year since PIPA was introduced

[Author’s Note:  This post was adapted from the author’s post on the DisCo (Disruptive Competition) blog — If you haven’t checked out, please do!] The PROTECT IP ...

USTR Announces Plans To Issue Report On French Digital Tax Next Week

Washington -- The United States Trade Representative issued an update Wednesday on its Section 301 investigation into the French digital tax, saying the report would be issued Monday. This follows a r...

USTR Highlights Digital Trade Barriers Including Digital Taxes and Data Localization

Washington — The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative released its annual report Friday documenting prominent trade barriers around the world. USTR identifies a number of key barriers for Int...

CCIA Asks USTR To Prioritize Digital Trade As Barriers To European Markets Grow

Washington -- As trade barriers with the European Union grow, the Computer & Communications Industry Association offered comments to USTR on priorities for a potential trade agreement with the EU....
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  • CCIA
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Reps. Chaffetz, Polis Receive CCIA’s High Tech Defender Award

Washington – CCIA presented its high tech defender award to two western Congressmen starting their second term – Jared Polis, D-Colo., and Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah during its 39th Washington Caucu...

Tech Industry Offers Recommendations Ahead of G20 Trade & Digital Ministers Meeting

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association released a statement, along with other industry associations today, offering recommendations for the members of the G20 ahead of th...
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  • Internet Governance

A Summary of NETmundial Submissions in Numbers

Geneva -- In advance of the anticipated NETmundial conference on the future of Internet Governance, which will be organised by the Brazilian Government, stakeholders were encouraged to submit “Inter...
  • Internet Freedom
  • Telecom

U.S. Appeals Court Gives Mixed Ruling On FCC Order To Abdicate Net Neutrality Enforcement

Washington --  A federal court has found the FCC can choose to give up its role protecting nondiscriminatory internet access, but the ruling appears to leave the door open for states to enforce net n...
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  • Competition

Websites and the “Natural Monopoly” Myth

Over the past few years there has been a tendency, especially by those in the financial press, to play it fast and loose with economic jargon. Buzzwords replace actual understanding of issues and the ...
  • Copyright

CCIA Submits Comments, Testified Before USTR On Fair Use In South Africa

Washington -- Today the Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted a post-hearing brief to the U.S. Trade Representative for its review of South Africa’s copyright law. Last mon...