Computer & Communication Industry Association

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WIPO Member-states Reject Open-ended Regulation Of Internet Intermediaries

The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes the decision  of UN member-states participating in the development of international trademark law at the World Intellectual Property O...

ACTA Threatens Internet Freedom, U.S. Business Overseas

As the nation prepares to celebrate its independence this weekend, an international agreement under negotiation in Switzerland this past week threatens to limit the protection of and extension of our ...

CCIA Says Administration's E-Commerce Policy Recommendations Fall Short on Critical Internet Issues

(Washington, DC) — At today's release of the Clinton Administration's Framework for Global Electronic Commerce, Ed Black, President of the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA)�...
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American Businesses Support Strong FCC Action to Maintain Open Internet Access for All

Today, the Internet Freedom Business Alliance was launched.  This new group has a bipartisan focus on advocating from an industry perspective for strong, enforceable FCC open Internet rules. Particip...
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  • Taxes & Trade

Senate Should Pass Clean Extension of Internet Tax Moratorium

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act by voice vote.  CCIA has supported making permanent the moratorium on Internet access taxes and on multiple or d...

CCIA Says Administration’s E-Commerce Policy Recommendations Fall Short on Critical Internet Issues

(Washington, DC) — At today's release of the Clinton Administration's Framework for Global Electronic Commerce, Ed Black, President of the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA)�...

CCIA Says Administration’s E-Commerce Policy Recommendations Fall Short on Critical Internet Issues

(Washington, DC) — At today's release of the Clinton Administration's Framework for Global Electronic Commerce, Ed Black, President of the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA)�...

House, Senate Hold Open Internet Hearings

Washington -- Open Internet supporters told House Energy and Commerce Committee members today they are concerned that draft legislation would block the FCC’s ability to protect consumers’ access t...

CCIA Says Administration's E-Commerce Policy Recommendations Fall Short on Critical Internet Issues

(Washington, DC) — At today's release of the Clinton Administration's Framework for Global Electronic Commerce, Ed Black, President of the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA)�...
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Will the NSA revelations create barriers to cloud adoption in the developing world?

What benefits can developing countries expect from cloud computing? And what policies are needed to fully seize its potential? Several questions were discussed at a peer review of the upcoming clou...
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  • US

Crowdsourcing a Multi-stakeholder Global Open Internet Task Force

Internet freedom is certainly a human rights imperative, but it is also an economic one.   Last week, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren introduced legislation to combat trade barriers that threaten the glob...
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  • EU

The Enabling Force of our Century

It is probably fair to say that most people would agree with the statement that the Internet has strongly transformed the ways people interact with each other in the cultural, economic, private, and s...