Computer & Communication Industry Association

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Senators Reintroduce Internet Censorship Bill Under New Name

Senators Leahy, Hatch and Grassley are reintroducing legislation, which will impose a mandate on additional industries to enforce copyright laws. Instead of COICA, the new acronym appears to sound les...

CCIA Joins Internet Users For Net Neutrality Day, Saying Nondiscrimination Benefits Businesses, Economy

Washington -- Internet users and businesses that rely on internet access are staging a day of protest against the FCC’s plans to abdicate its role in protecting consumers and businesses from discrim...
  • Telecom

FCC Votes To Seek Comment On New Open Internet Rules

Washington - The FCC is now seeking public comment on what rules should be developed to protect the Open Internet. At the meeting today staff noted that all protection has lapsed since a court ruling ...
  • Telecom

CCIA Announces New Hires In Washington and Brussels Offices

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association is announcing new hires  in both its DC and Brussels Offices. Alexandre Roure starts Monday, November 27th in CCIA’s Brussels of...

Upcoming Event: CCIA Hosts Telecom/Internet 101 Congressional Briefing

Computer & Communications Industry Association Telecom/Internet 101 Congressional Briefing Monday, March 8 Materials: CCIA's Telecommunications and Internet Policy Guide Vint ...

Tech Associations File Joint Court Brief In the Apple Encryption Case

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association, the Internet Association, and the i2Coalition filed a joint amicus brief  Thursday supporting Apple in its attempt to fend off an...

CCIA Concerned About Turkey Blocking Internet Commerce

Brussels/Washington – There are conflicting media reports about whether Turkey, after earlier actions taken against Twitter, has now also blocked access to YouTube. News that some Internet users are...
  • Telecom

FCC Faces Tough Questions Defending Its Actions Rescinding Open Internet Protections

Washington -- Before the DC Circuit Court of Appeals today, the FCC struggled to defend its order that rescinded net neutrality rules. Three Appeals Court judges will decide whether the FCC’s action...
  • Telecom

Congress Needs To Offer A Boost For 5G; CCIA Offers 6 Principles For A Broadband Buildout Bill

Washington -- On Tuesday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee is expected to discuss almost two dozen broadband infrastructure bills aimed at laying the groundwork for 5G deployment and higher spe...

CCIA Urges California Supreme Court to Reject Universal Internet Jurisdiction

Washington, DC - The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) filed an amicus curiae brief today with the California Supreme Court, urging the court to overturn a controversial lower ...

House Subcommittee Gets Facts On International Efforts To Control Internet

There has been a growing push over the past decade by some other countries to exert international control over the Internet. The tech industry joins those who are concerned about upcoming efforts to u...
  • Internet Freedom

Evolution of Open Internet to 2015 Success

Seven or eight years ago, the most active companies in the first Open Internet Coalition were Amazon, eBay, Google and Skype. Twitter was barely a twinkle and I don’t know how I really lived without...