Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Files Amicus Brief On Copyright, Interoperability Issues In Software Case

Washington -- The tech industry weighed in on issues of copyright and competition with an amicus brief today in the SAS v. World Programming Limited case.  The Computer & Communications Industry ...

CCIA Defends Copyright Balance and Online Platforms In Filing, Legal Brief

Washington -- In a filing for the Copyright Office and in a legal brief, the Computer & Communications Industry Association defended the balanced copyright provisions online companies need to oper...

Industry, Civil Rights Groups Jointly Oppose DHS Traveler Profile, Password Collection Plans

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined civil liberties groups, industry associations, companies, and security professionals in a joint statement to Homeland Securi...

CCIA Welcomes Senator Hatch’s Focus On Innovation Issues

Washington -- Senator Orrin Hatch, who chairs the Senate’s Republican High Tech Task Force, released his Innovation Agenda at a news conference today. Hatch highlighted better data privacy, which is...

Tech Industry Groups Ask Congress To Add Reforms To Surveillance Act

Washington -- The expiration of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is fast approaching. CCIA and other tech industry groups sent a letter today urging Congressional leaders to co...

CCIA Asks USTR To Focus On Copyright Regulations In Annual Trade Report

Washington -- As more countries pass or consider copyright regulations that violate current U.S. trade agreements and international copyright norms, the Computer & Communications Industry Associat...

The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Stands on Firm Ground

Washington -- The EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, concluded last year, is critical to the information flows driving $260 billion in transatlantic digital services. It is critical to the ability of Eur...

CCIA Applauds Passage of Email Privacy Act

Washington - The House approved the Email Privacy Act under a suspension of the rules Monday. The legislation, which passed with a voice vote, would enhance privacy protections to citizens’ email. T...

Irish Court To Hear Data Privacy Case Tuesday

Brussels -- The Irish High Court will begin hearing a data transfer case tomorrow, 7th February, that questions the validity of one of the few legal instruments European and international companies re...

CCIA Asks House To Pass Email Privacy Act

Washington - The House is expected to once again vote on the Email Privacy Act under a suspension of the rules Monday. Last session the House unanimously approved legislation to enhance privacy protec...

DG Competition Launches 3 E-Commerce Antitrust Investigations

Brussels -- European competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager announced the opening of three investigations today involving video game makers, electronics makers and tour operators suspected of ant...

CCIA Says Charter-Univision Dispute Illustrates Problems Of Media Consolidation

Washington -- Charter Communications cable customers have lost access to Univision’s networks after months of unsuccessful negotiations, according to various news reports. Univision has charged Char...