Computer & Communication Industry Association


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CCIA’s Requested Comments on Europe’s IPR Enforcement Directive

Brussels – CCIA stressed the importance of the Internet as a platform for artists and entrepreneurs to create, innovate and reach new markets across the world in its comments on intellectual propert...
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CCIA's Requested Comments on Europe's IPR Enforcement Directive

Brussels – CCIA stressed the importance of the Internet as a platform for artists and entrepreneurs to create, innovate and reach new markets across the world in its comments on intellectual propert...
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House Hearing on Visas For Highly Skilled Workers

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services started accepting visa petitions for FY 2012 for highly skilled workers this month. Last week, the Immigration Policy and Enforcement Subcommittee of the ...
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Why AT&T Merger Would Delay Next Generation Networks

AT&T asserts that acquiring T-Mobile will allow it to roll out its next-generation wireless network.  However, what they don’t say is that the potential merger will actually delay, rather that ...
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Why AT&T Merger Would Delay Next Generation Networks

AT&T asserts that acquiring T-Mobile will allow it to roll out its next-generation wireless network.  However, what they don’t say is that the potential merger will actually delay, rather that ...
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AT&T Swallows Competition – Haven’t We Seen this Movie Before?

This all seems eerily familiar.  AT&T uses JP Morgan’s money to buy-out up-start competitors.  The firm argues to antitrust authorities that its monopolist tendencies will provide the benefit ...
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AT&T Swallows Competition – Haven’t We Seen this Movie Before?

This all seems eerily familiar.  AT&T uses JP Morgan’s money to buy-out up-start competitors.  The firm argues to antitrust authorities that its monopolist tendencies will provide the benefit ...

WIPO Member-states Reject Open-ended Regulation Of Internet Intermediaries

The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes the decision  of UN member-states participating in the development of international trademark law at the World Intellectual Property O...
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The Spectrum Crunch and Why AT&T Deal Review Delays Relief

How should the government free up bandwidth and balance the interests of those involved? Panelists weighed in at a Brookings Institution event Wednesday “A Framework for Innovative Federal Spectrum ...
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The Spectrum Crunch and Why AT&T Deal Review Delays Relief

How should the government free up bandwidth and balance the interests of those involved? Panelists weighed in at a Brookings Institution event Wednesday “A Framework for Innovative Federal Spectrum ...
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©opyright ©orner

Repertoire Group Slapped With Infringement Suit for Performing Cage’s 4'33" Plaintiff Says Musicians Played Minimalist Composer’s Silent Piece “Note for Note” Washington -- John Cage broke...
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Internet Governance Not for Governments

Recent events in Egypt and the role of the Internet make the future of governing it in terms of technical management and coordination more critical than ever. First some history… The Internet ...