Computer & Communication Industry Association


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CCIA Supports Digital Goods Tax Fairness Act

On May 23, the House Judiciary Committee’s Courts, Commercial and Administrative Law Subcommittee held a hearing on H.R. 1860, the Digital Goods and Services Tax Fairness Act.  The bill would estab...

Commission Publishes New IPR Strategy

The European Commission released a broad Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) strategy today, which defines outstanding initiatives in the areas of authors’ IPRs, trademarks, designs, and geographic...

Upcoming Event: Media Briefing of Antitrust Experts on AT&T – T-Mobile Takeover

The proposed takeover of T-Mobile USA’s wireless communications business by AT&T raises serious competition policy issues that require careful analysis by the Federal Communications Commission a...

Upcoming Event: Media Briefing of Antitrust Experts on AT&T – T-Mobile Takeover

The proposed takeover of T-Mobile USA’s wireless communications business by AT&T raises serious competition policy issues that require careful analysis by the Federal Communications Commission a...
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Administration Releases Cybersecurity Legislative Recommendations

Top officials from the DOJ, Commerce, DHS and DOD briefed Senate committee staffers this week on the White House's long awaited cybersecurity legislative proposal unveiled last week. The Obama Admi...

Leahy Introduces Online Privacy Legislation

Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy has introduced long awaited legislation to update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act that sets the ground rules for law enforcement to gather electronic informa...
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Senators Reintroduce COICA Under New Name, Same Controversial Internet Censorship Directives

Today, the blogosphere has lit up with controversy as the Bill Formerly Known As COICA was reintroduced in the Senate, sporting a new coat of paint and a freshly minted backronym: “the PROTECTIP Ac...

Senators Reintroduce Internet Censorship Bill Under New Name

Senators Leahy, Hatch and Grassley are reintroducing legislation, which will impose a mandate on additional industries to enforce copyright laws. Instead of COICA, the new acronym appears to sound les...
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Privacy Circus This Week On Capitol Hill

Two new pieces of privacy legislation and a hearing are keeping Congress busy this week, while the United Kingdom's Information Commissioner's Office just released a new set of rules for the use of co...

Senate Antitrust Committee Begins Probing AT&T Merger Deal

After putting AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint and Cellular South CEOs under oath, Senators on the Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust asked tough questions about what the deal would really mean for the pri...

Senate Antitrust Committee Begins Probing AT&T Merger Deal

After putting AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint and Cellular South CEOs under oath, Senators on the Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust asked tough questions about what the deal would really mean for the pri...
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Consumer, Business Associations Oppose AT&T Merger

Consumer and business groups voiced their opposition to the AT&T merger proposal a day ahead of a hearing on Capitol Hill. The Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing, “The AT&T/T-Mobile Mer...