Computer & Communication Industry Association


Senate Approves Russia Trade Measure With Internet Censorship Provisions

The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes Senate passage today of legislation extending permanent normal trade relations to the Russian Federation by a vote of 92-4.  The bill c...

CCIA Opposes Online Sales Tax Collection Amendment to Defense Authorization Bill

The FCC has approved the mandatory data request for the carrier wholesale and broadband for business markets.  This is a step towards addressing the market failure known as special access, which in...

CCIA Applauds Senate Judiciary Committee Updates To Privacy Laws

The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved reforms to update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. The updates, which still need to be passed by the full Senate and House, will more clearly exte...

CCIA Highlights Report On Trade Implications of WCIT Proposals

Brussels, 28 – The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes today’s release of a report it commissioned that details how proposals at a diplomatic conference in Dubai next month...

Congress Approves Russia Trade Measure With Internet Censorship Provisions

The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes House passage today of legislation extending permanent normal trade relations to the Russian Federation by a vote of 365-43.  In additi...

CCIA Launches Patent Progress Blog

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) is launching a new blog that will provide timely analysis on high tech patent news. Patent Progress will cover news on patent trolls, pr...

Internet Radio Fairness Coalition Launches With CCIA As Founding Member

Those concerned about outdated laws that discourage new companies from offering  music to consumers over the Internet have formed a coalition to advocate for modernizing the copyright performance roy...

CCIA Files Amicus Brief In Aereo Broadcast TV Appeal

The Computer & Communications Industry Association in conjunction with the Internet Association today filed an amicus brief in a case that could alter the future of cloud computing. The U.S. Cou...
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Research, STEM Raised During Foreign Policy Debate

Despite being the foreign policy debate, basic research, competitiveness and science and math education was added in to last night’s face off between President Obama and Governor Romney. Obama s...

CCIA Joins Owners’ Rights Initiative

The Supreme Court hears arguments next week in Kirtsaeng v. Wiley, which could impact whether owners have the right to resell books, music and movies at anything from yard sales to online markets. Som...
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  • EU

ETNO’s Ideas of the Future of Telecoms the Modern Equivalent of “Beggar thy Neighbour” Trade Policies

CCIA was glad to see that the telecommunications regulators of Europe chose to reject the proposals of the European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association (ETNO) at their meeting in Istanbu...
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Immigration and Entrepreneurship Discussed at AEI Book Forum

The American Enterprise Institute’s book forum titled “Better Capitalism: Reviving America’s Entrepreneurial Engine” today featured Robert E. Litan and Carl J. Schramm, the authors of the bo...