Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Crowdsourcing a Multi-stakeholder Global Open Internet Task Force

Internet freedom is certainly a human rights imperative, but it is also an economic one.   Last week, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren introduced legislation to combat trade barriers that threaten the glob...

FCC Wireless Bureau Approves T-Mobile, Metro PCS Deal

The FCC’s Wireless Bureau has approved T-Mobile’s merger with Metro PCS, saying the deal would benefit the public interest with better choices for mobile broadband. The following can be attribute...

EVENT: CCIA’s 40th Anniversary Celebration

Join us on March 19th as we commemorate our proud history fighting for open markets, open systems, open networks and full, fair and open competition in the computer,telecommunications and Internet in...

EVENT: CCIA's 40th Anniversary Celebration

Join us on March 19th as we commemorate our proud history fighting for open markets, open systems, open networks and full, fair and open competition in the computer,telecommunications and Internet in...
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Shifting Language Threatens WIPO Treaty on Visually Impaired

Throughout its 40-year history, CCIA has aligned itself with sensible IP and technology policy efforts and has also taken broader stands on things like human rights and free expression. Often, a case ...

CCIA Endorses TRIPS Deferral Request For Least Developed Countries

Today, CCIA endorsed a bid by the world’s Least Developed Countries (LDC’s) to remove any specific deadline for full compliance with the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIP...

CCIA Praises Nomination Of Ramirez To Chair FTC

The following statement is in response to President Obama naming Edith Ramirez to the post of FTC chairwoman. It can be attributed to Ed Black, the President and CEO of the Computer & Communicatio...
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‘Starting up the Recovery: Internet + Jobs + Growth’

It’s not often that you see a European Commissioner, or any other senior political leader, take off their jacket in favour of a t-shirt at a public event. But then again, Digital Agenda Commissioner...

Congress Introduces SHIELD To Protect Against Junk Patent Lawsuits

A House Democrat and Republican have introduced legislation to help protect innovators from patent trolls. The bill, dubbed the SHIELD Act (Saving High-Tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes Ac...

EVENT UPDATE: “How Patent Trolls are Harming Innovation”


EVENT UPDATE: "How Patent Trolls are Harming Innovation"

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Patent Troll Week in DC, NYC

The toll of patent trolls is a focus this week with the PTO hosting a software patent roundtable in New York and CCIA hosting a panel discussion on patent trolls on Capitol Hill Thursday. Earlier t...