Computer & Communication Industry Association


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Good for Sprint. Competition and Open Internet access For All.

Unlike certain legacy monopoly Internet service providers, both wired and wireless, Sprint has not opposed FCC open Internet access rules over the past year.   It understands that basic industry fra...

Sprint to FCC: Strong Support for Open Internet Rules

Washington - Open Internet rules are not a threat to investing in networks. That was the message in a letter Sprint sent to FCC Chairman Wheeler, making it clear that competition in mobile broadband h...
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How would Hercule Poirot Approach a State Aid Investigation?

The debate of the last couple of years about corporation tax in Europe resembles a popular ‘whodunnit’: point at an obvious suspect before realising that things are not as they seem. The storyline...

CCIA Welcomes Introduction of Bipartisan Immigration Innovation Act

Washington -- In response to the need for high-skilled immigration, senators introduced the Immigration Innovation (“I-Squared”) Act today. The Computer & Communications Industry Association c...
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Google News Is Shutting Down in Spain – A Bad Day For Citizens, Online Innovation and Publishers Themselves

Today we learnt that Google will shut down its ‘Google News’ service this year in Spain. This is just one consequence of the introduction in Spain of an ancillary copyright levy (known as the ‘A...

The Sky Is Truly Rising For The Luxury Goods Market, Study Says

Brussels - The Computer & Communication Industry Association has released the fourth study in the “The Sky is Rising” series focusing on the Internet’s economic impact on the luxury goods se...

Digital Technologies Are The Biggest Opportunity For Cultural Industries And Creativity, Paper Says

Brussels - The Computer & Communication Industry Association, together with the European Digital Media Association, has released the paper “Technology is Culture” illustrating how the Internet...
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New Council President can steer Europe towards Digital Leadership

Donald Tusk today takes office as President of the European Council representing the 28 EU Member States.  This inauguration completes the EU’s five year leadership change. Mr Tusk’s challenges ...

EU Parliament Passes Resolution To Pressure EC to Consider Unbundling Search Services

Brussels - The European Parliament has passed a measure asking the European Commission to consider unbundling search engines from other commercial services. The move is seen as a political one after a...
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EU To Consider Splitting Search Providers

The European Parliament filed a draft motion aimed at splitting Google’s search engine from its other commercial services. The motion could come up for a vote this month, though the move is largely ...

President Obama Announces Executive Action Including Some Measures For Skilled Workers

Washington -- President Obama announced his administration’s executive action on immigration Thursday evening in a prime- time address. The President seeks to streamline employment-based immigration...
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The New Commission Must Make Online Sales Restrictions A Priority

Completing the digital single market to support Europe’s increasingly connected economy will be a top priority for the new Juncker-led Commission. While Commission officials embark upon formulating ...