Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • Blog

New H-4 Spouse Regulation is Welcome Action to Address Burden on Skilled Foreign Talent

Last week, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published its final rule on extending eligibility for employment authorization to certain H-4 dependent spouses of H-1B workers who are applying fo...
  • Internet Freedom

Evolution of Open Internet to 2015 Success

Seven or eight years ago, the most active companies in the first Open Internet Coalition were Amazon, eBay, Google and Skype. Twitter was barely a twinkle and I don’t know how I really lived without...

White House Offers Draft Legislative Privacy Proposal

Washington -- The White House has released a comprehensive consumer privacy legislative proposal today.  The discussion draft, originally announced in the President’s State of the Union address las...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

CCIA Asks Supreme Court To Consider Law, Consequences In Patent Case

Washington - The Supreme Court has a case that could give patent trolls even more tools and make a common defense -- a good faith belief of non-infringement -- irrelevant. The Computer & Communica...

FCC Votes To Approve Long-Awaited Open Internet Rules

Washington - Standing up to heavy lobbying by large Internet access providers, the FCC voted today to protect Internet access for households and small businesses. The FCC was created by Congress as an...
  • Blog
  • EU

Digital is dead, long live digital!

We are in the midst of a major paradigm shift in which our societies have become ever more digitized.  In consequence, we can no longer consider “digital” a separate phenomenon that must be addre...

Tech Trade Associations Ask Congress For Updated Trade Promotion Authority

Washington - CCIA signed onto a multi-association letter encouraging Congress to pass updated Trade Promotion Authority legislation that provides guidance to our trade negotiators on how to align U.S....
  • Blog
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

Industry Coalition in Support of MEP Reda’s Report on Copyright

CCIA together with four other industry trade associations issued an open statement Thursday on MEP Julia Reda’s draft report on the implementation of the Copyright Directive. Reda’s draft report...
  • EU
  • Telecom

CCIA, Stakeholders Praise European Parliament’s Resolution Supporting the Internet Governance Forum and Online Freedoms

Brussels/Strasbourg -- As the Internet faces threats from some regimes, which seek curb online freedoms and more governmental control, the European Parliament has today issued an important resolution...

CCIA Responds To Copyright Office’s Music Licensing Report: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Washington -- The Copyright Office has issued a report on music licensing today, taking a commendable position on the need for transparency in the extremely complicated music marketplace, but also rec...
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

House Introduces Legislation To Reduce Abuse Of Patent System

Washington -- House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte along with IP Subcommittee Chairman Issa and Representatives Anna Eshoo and Peter DeFazio have announced they would introduce patent reform legisla...
  • Telecom

Wheeler Intends To Protect Open Internet Access Using Title II

Washington - FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler confirmed in an article in Wired today that he will ask the FCC to classify broadband Internet access as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Commun...