Computer & Communication Industry Association


CCIA Welcomes Senate’s Passage of Trade Promotion Authority

Washington - The Senate voted to approve Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) Saturday night; an important step both giving U.S. trade negotiators Congressional guidance on U.S. trade priorities and cleari...
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CCIA Signs Letter Supporting Multistakeholder Input On UN Information Society Review

New York -- The World Summit on the Information Society is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Starting next month the UN will begin a process ahead of a December conference in New York to review the im...

CCIA Cautions Against Encryption Backdoors In Letter To President Obama

Washington -- CCIA joined companies, technologists, and civil liberties groups in a letter to President Obama Tuesday requesting the Administration reject proposals that would require companies to bui...

CCIA Hails TPA Provisions on Digital Trade; Applauds Congressional Committees’ Commitment to Balanced Copyright in Trade Promotion Reports

Washington -- As the Senate moves to consider Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation, the Finance Committee released a report today, explaining the legislation which gives the President authority...

House Approves Surveillance Reform Measures By Wide Margin

Washington -- The House of Representatives has passed the USA Freedom Act (H.R. 2048) by an emphatic 338-88 vote.  The Act would limit the government’s surveillance abilities by eliminating bulk me...

CCIA Calls On Congress To Pass Surveillance Reforms After Court Finds Bulk Metadata Collection Illegal

Washington -- The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled Thursday that the NSA’s bulk collection of phone and other records was never authorized under section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Ac...
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France should not repeat U.S. surveillance mistakes

Following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, the French government has put forward a controversial bill aimed at boosting its intelligence services. The proposal is expected to be voted into law b...
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European Commission Releases Digital Single Market Strategy: The Good and The Bad

[Ed. Note: This piece originally appeared on CCIA's Project DisCo blog] The European Commission has today released its new Digital Single Market Strategy. The objectives of the strategy sit withi...
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  • Patent Reform & Copyright

Europe’s Digital Strategy Must Enable Internet Innovation

Brussels - The European Commission today announced its determination to achieve the bold and necessary goal of creating a single European-wide digital market by stripping away unnecessary national rul...

Stakeholders issue recommendations on major UN information society review

Geneva -- As delegations convene this week in Geneva to agree on a resolution on the UN’s work on the information society, stakeholders agree on the following set of recommendations: The Resoluti...

Europe Faces Tough Digital Single Market Choices

Brussels - When the European Commission announces its new Digital Single Market Strategy on 6th May, it faces a decisive choice between a forward-looking enabling strategy for the Internet or an insul...
  • Privacy & Security

CCIA Applauds House Judiciary Committee Passage of USA FREEDOM Act, Urges Further Reform

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association welcomes today’s bipartisan vote to pass the USA FREEDOM Act out of the House Judiciary Committee.  The 25-2 margin demonstrates...