Computer & Communication Industry Association


The Future of an EU-Wide Ancillary Copyright for Press Publishers Remains Uncertain

Brussels, BELGIUM -- Discussions around a possible ‘snippet levy’ or ‘news aggregation tax’ targeting online services like search engines and news aggregators have slowly but surely reached Br...

European Council Presidency Transfers To Luxembourg With Key Digital Economy Issues Looming

Brussels, Belgium -- Luxembourg takes over the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union today (Wednesday) at a crucial moment. After a meeting with outgoing European Council President ...
  • Telecom

EU Policymakers Agree On Net Neutrality Compromise

Brussels, Belgium -- The European Parliament, Commission and the Council of Ministers agreed on a compromise last night on the Telecoms Single Market Regulation. The deal in principle would see an end...
  • Blog
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

CCIA Files Copyright Amicus Briefs

Last week, CCIA filed two amicus briefs in copyright cases: Mavrix v. LiveJournal, a 9th Cir. case about the DMCA safe harbors, and Elsevier v. Sci-Hub, an S.D.N.Y. copyright case involving proposed p...
  • EU
  • Privacy & Security

Industry Asks Senate To Pass Bill Extending Rights in Privacy Act To Europeans, Others

Washington -- In a letter to Senate leaders Thursday, representatives of U.S. industry asked Senate leadership to support the Judicial Redress Act, S. 1600, which was introduced last week by Senators ...
  • EU
  • Taxes & Trade

The New EU Trade Strategy Should Break Down Telecoms Access Barriers

Brussels - The European Commission is set to present its new Trade Strategy this autumn and the removal of digital trade barriers is expected to feature prominently.  As part of the strategy, the EU...

CCIA Welcomes Appointment Of Roberto Viola As New Director-General

Brussels -- The European Commission announced today that Roberto Viola will become the new Director-General of the European Commission’s Communications Networks, Content and Technology Directorate G...

Senate Introduces Bill to Extend Privacy Protections to European Citizens

Washington -- Just weeks after President Obama signed surveillance reform legislation, Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) have introduced what could prove to be the next step in the p...
  • Blog
  • Taxes & Trade

Rep. Chaffetz Introduces Latest Edition of Online Sales Tax Legislation

Washington -- This week, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) introduced H.R. 2775, the Remote Transactions Parity Act (RTPA), the latest legislative incarnation to force online retailers to collect sales and...

European Court Rules Online News Sites Liable For Online Comments

Brussels -- The European Court of Human Rights has weighed in on the responsibility of news sites for user generated comments. It ruled that an Estonian news site Delfi could be held liable for commen...
  • EU
  • Patent Reform & Copyright

The Controversial Ancillary Copyright for Press Publishers Takes Two Big Hits

Brussels, BELGIUM - Today, news-publisher-backed legislative proposals often called “ancillary copyrights” took major blows in both Brussels and Austria. Also referred to as a ‘snippet levy’, ...
  • Blog

CCIA, Tech Industry Cautiously Welcome Council’s Position On Data Protection

Brussels – The Computer & Communications Industry Association joined others in the Industry Coalition for Data Protection in a statement expressing optimism ahead of the adoption this week of th...