Computer & Communication Industry Association


EU and U.S. Political, Tech Leaders Discuss Transatlantic Digital Relations; CCIA Releases Recommendations

Washington -- Senior U.S. and EU government officials and tech representatives took stock of the transatlantic digital relationship at CCIA’s Transatlantic Internet Policy Dialogue today. Today’...

CCIA Weighs In On Copyright Office’s DMCA Proposal

Washington -- Internet users and other stakeholders have until Friday to file comments in response to questions from the Copyright Office on the “safe harbor” in Section 512 of the Digital Millenn...

Civil Rights Groups, CCIA Appeal To Congress To Block Government Hacking Expansion

Washington -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association has joined public interest groups to try block an expansion of government hacking. Unless Congress intervenes, a law enforcement re...

Senate Committee Tries To Delay Choice In Cable Set-Top Boxes, Potentially Costing Consumers at Least $1.6 Billion per Month

Washington -- The Senate Appropriations Committee has approved a rider in a budget bill that would delay the FCC from opening the TV set-top box market to competitors. The rider would demand that the ...

FCC Wins Legal Challenge To Its Open Internet Order

Washington - A federal appeals court upheld the FCC’s Open Internet Order, rejecting various substantive and procedural attacks on the agency’s non-discrimination order. The Computer & Communi...

Tech Industry Supports Member States’ Efforts To Improve Criminal Justice In Cyberspace

Brussels, Belgium -- The Computer & Communications Industry Association, DIGITALEUROPE and BSA issued the joint statement below praising EU Member States for their balanced approach to improving c...

CCIA, IA, I2Coalition Support NTIA’s ICANN Transition Proposals Report

Washington - The Computer & Communications Industry Association, Internet Association and the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) issued the following statement today on the Nationa...

CCIA, IA, I2Coalition Support NTIA's ICANN Transition Proposals Report

Washington - The Computer & Communications Industry Association, Internet Association and the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) issued the following statement today on the Nationa...

CCIA Encourages FCC To Support Proposal To Increase Internet Bandwidth For 5G

Washington -- With growing demand for more mobile data at higher speeds, the Computer & Communications Industry Association submitted a letter to the FCC supporting a petition to allow more spectr...
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  • Privacy & Security

Senate Considers Troubling Expansion of National Security Letter Authority

Washington -The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee is currently reviewing various amendments in anticipation of its Thursday markup of the Email Privacy Act, which won unanimous passage from the House of...

Coalition Sends Senators Letter Opposing Expanded Government Access To Online Activity Without Judicial Oversight

Washington -- A coalition of public interest groups, companies, and associations sent a letter  to senators opposing a move that would give government agents greater access to electronic communicatio...

Oracle v. Google Verdict Win for Software Developers, Reaffirms Importance of Fair Use

Washington -- A federal jury’s verdict today in a complicated fair use case is seen as a step in favor of interoperability - a principle that is key to the tech industry. The jury correctly found th...