Computer & Communication Industry Association


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CCIA Comments Ahead of House Antitrust Subcommittee Hearing This Week

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CCIA’s Response As Chairman Klobuchar Introduces Antitrust Bill

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
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CCIA Contribution to the EC Consultation on Collective Bargaining Agreements for self-employed

  • Comments, Letters, And Testimony
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CCIA Comments to FTC on Hart-Scott-Rodino Coverage, Exemption, and Transmittal Rules, Project No. P110014.

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CCIA Cautions Against Australian Proposal To Impose Mandatory Bargaining Code on Select U.S. Tech Firms

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CCIA Statement On Google FitBit Merger Going Forward

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  • European Union

German Legislature Preempts EU Reforms with National Competition Law Amendments Targeting the Digital Economy

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CCIA Submission to the UK on Revised Merger Assessment Guidelines

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CCIA Comment on Second State Lawsuit Against Google

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State Attorney General Announces Lawsuit Against Google

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  • European Union

CCIA Responses To EU Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act Proposals

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  • European Union

CCIA Reaction to EU Digital Proposals