Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedNovember 18, 2011

CCIA Testifies On China Internet Censorship

CCIA President & CEO Ed Black told a joint Congressional committee on China Thursday that the government must do more to combat the burdens on US businesses from Internet censorship in China.
Black testified that CCIA appreciated that USTR is making a formal inquiry into China’s Internet censorship practices and that the practices appear to be protectionist because China is redirecting Internet traffic to domestic sites that often offer similar content.
Black also said the US must lead by example when it comes to Internet censorship, and that’s why bills like SOPA and PROTECT IP, H.R. 3261 and S. 968, are so troubling.
Despite the attempt at a lopsided hearing with five of six witnesses supporting the bill, news stories Friday declare the bill floundering after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined Rep. Ron Paul in saving the bill.
Also this week, Sens. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., Jerry Moran, R-Kan., and Rand Paul, R-Ky., have joined Sen. Ron Wyden, R-Ore., in placing a hold on the bill.