Computer & Communication Industry Association
PublishedDecember 1, 2022

CCIA Joins HTIA, AAI In Patent Amicus Brief

Washington – The Computer & Communications Industry Association has joined a patent amicus brief before the U.S Court of Appeals in the In re Nimitz case alongside other groups representing major innovators in the high tech and automotive industries.

The brief argues that Federal District Courts have broad authority to require transparency on the funding of cases and that the Patent Act and other federal law supports the previous judge’s findings.

The Computer & Communications Industry Association has advocated on patent issues for 50 years. The following can be attributed to CCIA patent counsel Josh Landau:

“It’s critical that judges, other litigants, and the public know who is involved in—and paying for—patent litigation campaigns.  Without funding transparency, it’s impossible for judges and attorneys to properly adhere to conflict of interest requirements.  And in some cases, the patent owner might have ceded so much control to the funder that they lack the standing to sue.

“District courts all over the country are implementing rules regarding litigation funding transparency to address these concerns.  We are glad to join other innovators in support of judicial efforts to bring greater transparency to patent lawsuits and the patent system.”