Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • News
  • European Union

European Commission Sends New Statement of Objections to Google

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  • European Union

EU Issues Antitrust Charges Against Google

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  • Competition

CCIA Applauds Obama Administration For Set Top Box Filing

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  • Telecom

Save Wireless Choice in the Upcoming 600 MHz Incentive Auction

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  • European Union

European Commission Releases Digital Single Market Strategy: The Good and The Bad

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Competition

CCIA Comments to Antitrust Modernization Commission

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  • Telecom

Engineers Go To Work on New TV Navigation Devices

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  • European Union

EU To Consider Splitting Search Providers

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  • European Union

The New Commission Must Make Online Sales Restrictions A Priority

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  • Telecom

Record Open Internet Comments Warrant FCC Field Hearings

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  • European Union

Court of Justice Upholds Ruling against Intel

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  • Competition

CCIA Launches Website To Promote Consumer Choice of TV Interface Devices