Computer & Communication Industry Association


  • News
  • Competition

CCIA Disrupts Its Disruptive Competition (DisCo) Blog With A Redesign

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Government Competition

17-2145 Cisco v Arista_Amici CCIA Brief

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  • Competition

White House Nominates Four Commissioners To FTC

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  • Competition

CCIA Files Supreme Court Amicus Brief In American Express Case

  • Briefs and Written Submissions
  • Government Competition

16-1454 Ohio v AmEx

  • News
  • European Union

Does Competition Law Need an Update for Online Markets? Hot Topics, Trends and Perspectives in Competition Policy

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  • Telecom

CCIA Asks FCC To Enforce Its Own Law And Block Sinclair Media Takeover

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  • Telecom

CCIA Agrees FTC Does Not Have Authority To Protect The Open Internet

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  • Competition

Simons Nominated To Lead FTC

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  • Competition

CCIA Responds To Think Tank Report Aimed At Tech Industry

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  • Competition

EC Issues Record Fine In Google Shopping Case; CCIA Concerned About Chilling Effect On Innovation

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  • European Union

CCIA Offers Statement On EU Competition Objections, Google’s Response